Bonus Chapter- Her Soulmate

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Thank you everyone for showering your immense love to my book and to all the characters.

This one is dedicated to all those readers who shipped Sarah and Ishaan like the author herself ;)


The biggest thing that I can hate is film promotions. Those long hours of sitting and fake smiling can cause immense back aches and headaches. The noisy reporters, the gleaming lights and several cameras flashed, all taking collective notice of me add up to the conscience of putting on the perfect image of a celebrity.

You don't want to make a mistake there. Every unintentional act can become headlines.

And do you know what is the most irritating? It is when you already know that your film is not worth it.

"So what is this film all about?" The skinny tall reporter asked, sitting in an all-white top and jeans, wearing a cream coat that must be heavier than it looked. A kind of temptation surged inside me— I wished I could scream and tell that the film is crap and no one should care about this one.

"Well, if I say anything, I might reveal stuff. I will just say that you should watch the film to know." Okay, I managed to not spill the truth.

"As the trailer suggested, this one has fantasy elements mixed up with finding your soulmate. So what made you select the film? And what's your opinion on soulmate?"

Do soulmates exist in real life? I wonder what it would be like to have a soulmate. Would it be like movies- one who heals you and loves you. Someone with whom you feel that sparking connection. Someone who listens to your banter or maybe, someone who will promise to bring you the stars and the moon and everything along the line?

Might sound romantic as hell but not practically plausible.

"Isn't the director a good enough reason?" I giggled, just to sound humble and good. "The storyline intrigued me and I thought the concept was new and I could try to change my genre and come out of the action box again." I held my mic down, relaxing on the chair as the reporter asked for an ad break.

I got up from the seat, chugging the water down my throat after that fake interview. Coming to the question of why I selected the film, it was solely because of the paycheck. The number of zeros at the end of the sum attracted me to the point where I could say yes to anything... other than murder, of course.

Now, the paycheck thing can be revolting to many artists. They might start shouting and give lectures on how money doesn't matter in art. I don't disagree yet the hard truth is that money makes us work. Or maybe, I am just not enough of an artist.

While regretting my life as any other actor would do in my situation, I saw my manager running up to me. As sweat dripped down her face, she handed me my phone, gasping for breath.

Giving her a nod to tell her to relax, I received the call. "Ishaan sir, how are you?" I teased.

"What's up with madam? Makes me wonder how things are going for that film?"

"What's more? You see how the reporters are going gaga over the film. Makes me think that they are going to make a flop film a hit with their over-hype." I shook my head at their unnecessary excitement only because of the cast and director. "But what about you?"

"Just...I was lazing around so I thought of calling you. What do you say about a meeting? Cool with you?"

I thought for a moment, slightly shocked at his offer to meet. Since he started producing films, he became busier than before. Suggesting a meet was always coming from me which later would get cancelled very smoothly from either side.

"What's wrong? Aren't you busy, Mr Producer?"

A pause followed before a sigh. "Just had a bad day at work. How about a drink later?"

I didn't have the heart to decline a drinking offer from a seemingly frustrated friend. "Cool. I need one too tonight."


"I swear I would have killed that director if he didn't raise my paycheck... over the hero. Damn, I deserve more than him after that snow sequence." My words were slurred due to the effect of the alcohol.

The dimly lit bar was filled with a buzzing multitude and sounds of the clattering and clinking of glasses.

In the middle of the wobbling crowd, wriggly dancing to the rock music or taking out their frustration by breaking glasses and fighting with the waiter, we sat, letting out our sets of troubles.

"I know right? The business is bad too. It's definitely hard as a producer," Ishaan vented out his frustration, gulping down another glass of the Glenkinchie.

The alcohol made my brain dizzy as I took it all out. "Screw my life. I guess I should just get married and settle down."

"Oh, and who will be that unlucky one?"

I rested my chin on my hand, turning towards my side. "Don't worry. It won't be you," I assured him, chugging down another drink.

I could feel his gaze upon me for a while. Then I heard him speak, "Why?" Startled by his question, I looked at his pink cheeks and messed up hair. He was drunk.

"You are drunk. Get up." I pulled at his arm but he remained glued to his seat.

"Come on, tell me. Hurry," he whined, throwing a drunken fit. It's been a while since we both got drunk like this. Seeing him whining like a child, I cracked up.

"You are a baby. Stop joking." I pulled his cheeks. Yes, I was drunk, completely drunk. But I wanted to remain sober. I pulled myself back up, and though I stumbled my feet against the wooden table next to us, I didn't let go of myself.

Right at the moment I was about to take out my card to pay, I felt a hand over my wrist. A sparkling effect followed when I looked at Ishaan then. He blinked twice, trying to regain his control while he came closer and nearer to me.

Something struck me. Maybe it was his fruit-flavoured perfume or my drunken conscience, I don't know. I pulled him by his collar and placed a kiss on his lip. I felt him shifting, maybe for a second, his hand still on my wrist as he kissed me back.

We pulled back a moment later. At that moment our eyes locked and it felt like our hearts locked too.

"I think I love you." My words slurred. There was a deep bonded connection that pulled us close.

"Me too." We stared for a long time before embracing ourselves for another kiss.

It makes me think, did I finally find my soulmate? I don't need the stars or the moon, maybe the blend of love, care and attraction is the perfect recipe for my love.


Wishing a happily ever after for this couple too :)

Hope you all liked it! And thanks a lot everyone again.

Signing off,

Signing off,Ayanika

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