26- Sweet and Salty

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We were standing in front of a treehouse in the middle of a small forest area. I was looking around the place, unaware of the existence of such a spot. The whole place was surrounded by trees and colourful birds all around. There was a toy train around the treehouse.

My lips parted as I stared without blinking, taking in the whole beauty of nature. In the world of city traffic and all multiplex buildings, this is something out of romance books where cupid plays on two individuals. I bit my lips, scolding myself for having silly thoughts.

" Maya, come in." Ishaan waved his hands from inside after having a chat with a man. I gave a wide smile and ran inside.

My doe-shaped eyes could not help but gape at the gorgeous loveliness enveloped in the air. I walked beside him, looking at every single thing. As we walked quite a long distance, we finally reached in front of a big house, all surrounded by lavender and white roses. 

The scene there was completely out of my imagination. The joyous screams of the children reverberated as they played together. Among the chaos, I saw a middle-aged woman coming toward us. 

With a kind smile, she greeted us. "Young master Ishaan, the children have been waiting for you. They will be so happy!"

" Did I make them wait for long?" He asked with a gentle smile, playing in the corner of his lips.

" Oh, no. You are right on time—," she paused when she noticed me. " Oh, my dear. Such a beautiful girl." 

In a fit of confusion, I just lowered my head and was about to touch her feet when she held my face up. " No need for that, child. Looks like our young master got himself a pretty girl." 

My face flushed and I looked at Ishaan whose eyes went wide. He soon shrugged off the matter saying, " Come on granny, You are always playing a matchmaker." 

She giggled, showing all her teeth and led us into the house. I had the immense desire to ask him about this situation but I didn't get time when the kids surrounded us both and jumped in excitement.

" Kiddos, you weren't creating troubles, were you?" Ishaan asked with a glint of seriousness, but the kids laughed and replied with a 'No' in unison.

" Who is this lady? Is she your friend?" A girl of nearly six asked. 

I smiled and sat down on my knees to reach her height. " Hi girl, I am Maya. Would you like to be my friend?" She smiled back widely and nodded.

I looked up at Ishaan who showed a thumbs up and smiled. This handsome lad just knows to use his smile! 

I turned my head to find the granny arranging the tables when I rushed over to help her out. 

" Thank you, child." I smiled and told her, " I am also like Ishaan. No need to thank me." 

" Let's take the cake then." I nodded and took out the cake.

" Hey, stay here," I shouted at him to which he stopped right at his place. I closed his eyes with a black cloth and danced my fingers in front of him to check whether he could see anything. After checking it, I went to bring the cake with granny.

The kids jumped around and giggled and that made its way over joyous. After decorating the cake with candles, I slowly opened the cloth from his eyes. 

" Happy birthday!" We all shouted in unison. The kids screamed and sang the birthday anthem loud at the top of their lungs. 

He glanced at the cake, then smiling he said, "Thank you." I thought his voice had a hint of sorrow mixed with happiness. 

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