57- The Beautiful Days

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"Welcome to the 1st episode of Discovery Today." 

I pulled open the curtains to get a clearer view of the sunshine. Sighing, I sat in front of the television. It was the first show of Ayushi after her moving to the national news department. 

"See, I am so cool, right?" Ayushi, who almost jumped on the couch, asked Pranav. She munched on her crescent-shaped apple pieces, staring at her news show. 

"Of course, you are." Pranav snuggled right up to her. 

I didn't know much about why she suddenly changed her department. When I asked, she just told me that she wanted to explore. But maybe, she didn't want to get involved with the entertainment industry anymore. 

"What happened to Prakash?" I asked. I had completely forgotten about him. 

She didn't look away from her show. "He resigned. He loved his job so much but still—" She paused, sighing, "Maybe, it was good for him." 

I didn't say anything. I guess that was right. 

These days have been a little better. It seemed peaceful with no regular drama unless that occasional surprises life gives us all. But it's nice, an uneventful life is still better after all that mess. 

"Hey, today is Priya's engagement ceremony right?"

"Yeah. In the evening." I wonder at times, life can be so unpredictable. Two haters fell in love and two haters became friends again— just the fairytale end everyone wishes. 

"She invited us too but we won't be able to attend it. So, you should go in our place." I nodded when my phone buzzed beside me. 

Hey, Are you alive??? Coming to Priya's engagement? Akash texted me.

I chuckled and shook my head. I looked outside at the sunlight peeking through the long branches of the tree. 

Finally, my life is more than alive. 


I walked inside, not before standing in front of the camera, posing for some pics. Of course, these paparazzi would be posting them online by tomorrow. 

Being self-aware of the camera tailing me, I was about to walk inside the ceremony hall before I turned to see Ajay coming in. 

Like the perfect man out of books, he walked straight towards me. His eyes never blinked. He held out his hand and we stood together to pose for the camera. Right now, the flashes of the camera didn't make me any more nervous than him. 

"You are looking beautiful." His whispers tickled my ears. My eyes crinkled as a natural smile took over my face. 

Smirking, I replied, "You too don't look so bad. Handsome." He squinted his eyes before breaking into fits of laughter. 

We walked inside the ceremony hall after the picture session. 

What did I want from my dreams? Over time my answer varied. From making my small own place in a bigger world to chasing success, I came all the way. 

I want to be a heroine. That's my dream. I want to climb the stairs of success one by one. That reduces the chances of failing off easily.

Still, I want to be a humble actress who prefers her films more than the box office. I really hope I remain faithful to my dream.

"Maya!" The voice broke my trance. I looked up to see Ishaan and Sarah standing in front of me. 

Sarah came up to me and hugged me. "I missed you." I smiled and hugged her back. 

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