37 - Let's call it love

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The darkness in front of me ceased as I opened my eyes to see the unfamiliar room. I rub my face and eyes to ensure I am seeing it right. The dim light in the room just allowed me enough to notice the beautifully decorated interior.

I didn't get kidnapped, right?

I took baby steps out of the room that I can't declare mine. Moreover, I almost forgot everything except that I drank alcohol for the first time in my life. Damn, I don't want to do it ever again.

As I stepped out of the room, I heard the splashing sound of water from the kitchen. My breath hitched when I saw Ajay rustling about the kitchen. Covering my mouth, I rushed back inside the room.

I was suddenly reminded of yesterday when I went to Ajay to clear a few things.

But why am I in his room?! And why can't I remember anything else?

A sudden knock on the door snapped me out of my thoughts. The guy who captured his place in my heart and mind before my approval peeped through the door with two cups of coffee.

I became overly conscious about myself when I nodded at him to enter. I knew exactly how I must be looking right now with my hair spread all over like a bird's nest.

" You okay?" I nod again, trying my hair in a high ponytail.

He stared at me longingly, as if reading my face. He asked, "Do you... perhaps remember anything?"

That is the whole damn problem!

" No, would you like to enlighten me?" I deadpanned.

He cast his eyes down, heaving a knowing sigh as he managed to pull a light smile on his lips. " Take this coffee. Maybe, It will help."

He walked away leaving me with all the unsaid and unsolved questions inside me. I plop down on the bed, keeping the cup aside, and pick up my phone. I opened my Whatsapp to find 12 messages from Nakul.

Maya! Are you okay?

I told you not to drink.

What did you say to Ajay?

Text me once you are sober! Or better call me!

The rest of them were all about him shouting at me over text using all capital letters as if that would be helpful.

Wait- How did he know I had something to tell Ajay?

Soon, as if the cloud cleared over my mind, the incidents of yesterday flashed back. Embarrassment and a sudden urge to crawl inside the floor crept inside me. I wasn't born for this.

I grabbed my phone and bag and was about to run away after inspecting the hallway. Gladly, there was no one. I heaved a sigh of relief.

Just five steps and you would be out of this embarrassment.

I chanted, keeping my steps quiet but the sudden loud ringing noise from my screen caused an early demise of my master plan, resulting in me flinching at my place having no idea how to react.

" Hello mom," I whispered on the phone.

" Are you okay? Why would you whisper? Don't tell me-" My mother shouted from the other end.

" Mom, I am okay," I said before she could assume things.

She heaved a sigh but still had a worried voice, "Gosh, I was scared. Do you know what I saw yesterday in Crime Patrol? It is terrifying!" I rolled my eyes. Seriously, they need to be called here once I die of embarrassment right here.

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