Lore AND Family

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So here's the 3rd chapter. Enjoy

The lore and the Family


'Babel', A massive tower located right at the centre of the city, 'Orario'.

Many a times, Orario is known as the centre of the world, that is just a metaphor. It doesn't mean that the city is located at the dead centre of the entire world or even the continent rather that almost all races can be found here interacting with one another, in hostile or hospitable manner.

Yes 'almost' not 'all'. There are still some races out there, although few in numbers but cannot be found here. Perhaps the reason being too weak, or too introverted or perhaps too proud to interact with others. There could be many a number of reasons but just because they don't interact doesn't mean they don't exist rather MANY know of them but mostly through olden tales and thus are perceived as nothing more than a stuff of 'Legends'.

Anyway, the city is still very popular and known to an entire world. You could call it famous for most wealth and technology OR you could call it infamous due to innumerable deaths piled up over time OR some few preferred to call it 'the city of romance'.

WHY? Because of tales that have been written here.

· Tales of Legends and tales of Ordinary

· Tales of Heroes and tales of Villains

· Tales of Bravery and tales of Cowardly

· Tales of rich and tales of poor

You could find every sort of tale in this rich historical place thus the 'city of romance'.

And then there's 'dungeon', one of the three most dangerous places in the entire world. In fact, in times long forgotten, there was no such thing as dungeon or as some call it, 'Monster den'. This place did not exist but the other two have been in existence since times primordial. Yes, they have existed since times even before the current Celestials came into being.

In those times, these people 'preferred' to call themselves 'gods' and had people worship them as such but perhaps that is the reason for them losing not just their throne but also their entire existence. This one word 'god' isn't something cheap. It holds 'power' and 'weight', and those people couldn't handle such weight and thus were crushed beneath it. Then with time, new ones appeared but these new ones made it forbidden for anyone to call themselves 'gods' including themselves and thus took the name of 'celestials', as in powerful beings but beneath and under the universe and thus its 'creator'.

How they came into being? Well, that is a story of another time.

We were talking about the dungeons and the other two places. In fact, the dungeon was made as a sort of 'training ground' to 'strengthen' the then weak races so that they could deal with the threat from other two places. These other two places are as dangerous as dungeon if not more so since they too possess equal power.

Then why is it?! Why does no one seem to know about these other two places while everyone knows about dungeon? The reason is simple, you can survive in dungeon, even the weaker ones can on the beginner floors, but death is certain in other two places. The dungeon is a floor-by-floor structure with specific powered creatures existing on said floors so, the upper floors are weaker while the deeper floors are stronger in creatures.

The other two place are not like that. You could encounter the 'Strongest' being just by stepping foot inside in case of bad luck. But then again there's no such thing as 'good' or 'bad' luck. Luck is just luck so in a way by such encounter could be considered 'lucky' since you would be saved from the many horrors you would face otherwise.

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