The Journey

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This morning was never going to be a peaceful one and would probably be written in history books. After Zoro and Bell left for the dungeon, the news of someone having reached lvl 2 in only half a year was spread faar and wide causing shock everywhere. Once they had thought that Ottar was incomprehensible for reaching lvl 2 in only a year and a month but then that speed had been surpassed by Ais who did the same but in only a single year. As if that wasn't enough someone had appeared who did the same thing in only half a year. How he did that, no one was certain although there was a rumour of a lvl 1 defeating a Minotaur in head on collision, but no one believed that. How could they? A Minotaur was an apex creature among level 2s and even lower lvl 2's could only die when facing one and yet a lvl 1 defeated it!? HOW?

Naturally everyone was curious of the validation of these claims and more than anything, the celestials were the ones truly amazed and amused by this development. Most of them had come down here for only one purpose, to amuse themselves and to discover the 'impossibilities' while some others came due to various other reasons like Hestia who came down for 'fame' since not many knew of her or Loki who came down to 'play' or Miach who came down to 'heal' and much more. Now of course many of their views changed with time after getting their own familias but that bit of 'playfulness' remained. That said, there were many who simply wanted to poach the boy especially after learning of him being a member of a very newly build familia with only two official members both of whom were low level.

One reason was because the boy was special and was growing fast while maintaining exceptionally high level of battle potential while the other reason was simply because they wanted to rub it on Hestia's face. Yes, Hestia had many friends but there were also many who were envious of her while others simply wanted revenge. Afterall despite not being seen in that way, Hestia was special even among the celestials and her abilities and 'authority' could supress many of them and she had done that. Although she had gone lazy by now but there was once a time when she had run amok in the upper realm. She was wilder than even Loki and had caused all sorts of problems for various parties and some were simply envious of her 'assets', Loki being the prime example.

Anyway, the point was that they were interested and if the boy got 'seduced' by them then all the better. Coincidentally 'Denatus' was about to be held by the end of this week and naturally they wouldn't let go of this chance to cause problems for Hestia.

Thus began a hunt, a hunt relating to 'HOW?'. Naturally everyone was curious. Even if the rumours of him defeating a minotaur were baseless, there had to be a reason for this fast growth. No one was fool here. Most suspected of it being relating to some sort of skill while others related it to fast hunting speed. 'Skills' were a sensitive topic but no skill, regardless of how powerful could allow direct ascension. One had to work hard to allow the skill to display its full potential and, in this case, that 'work hard' just had to be related to dungeon and monster hunting. Nothing else could make sense.

"Sigh......" Hestia sighed as soon as she woke up

'It's going to be a long day today'

She looked around the empty house or rather the empty room. Her children were nowhere to be seen. The room was empty except for a piece of paper on a side table. She went over to look

"We're going to dungeon and will be back shortly. Please take care of yourself"

It was a simple message and seeing how respectful the tone was used, she already had an idea of as to who wrote it. Anyway, this wasn't the first time neither would it be the last

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