The Progression

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It was yet another morning, starting of a brand-new day. There's a saying that a new day brings new things and experiences carrying with them a lot of expectations. That said, for Hestia Familia this morning didn't bring anything new, except for maybe one person. Today, the sun was hidden behind the clouds with watery weather, this could be considered a new experience for Zoro since ever since coming over, he had either only seen sunny OR artificial bright days so this could be considered a change of pace. Talking about that, with today's count it had been exactly a week since Zoro came over to this alien new world and right now he was just bored, nothing to do.

Due to their actions of spending over 48 hours in the dungeon worrying Hestia, she had forbidden them from going anywhere near the dungeon for the same amount of time. Infact she wanted to forbid for 7 days but after a lot of convincing, she stopped at two. This from her part was considered a punishment for them. She wasn't really angry about the fact of them going OR spending time in the dungeon rather she was angry due to their inconsistency. What had they told her before leaving,

'We're just going for a light stroll'

and yet said light stroll turned out to be two days long. Many lower and even mid class familias don't spend so much time down there even in full on expedition and yet their stroll just did that. That's what she was mad about and since Zoro hid the real reason to save some face for himself along with forbidding Bell from saying anything, she naturally misunderstood and only thought that they lied to her or more like hid their real intention. Perhaps if they had gone down there and even spent a week, she wouldn't be that mad IF and only if they told her beforehand, but they didn't, breaking her trust.

Other than that, there was another reason for forbidding them and that was for rest. The boys had spent two days in that 'dark, damp, dangerous place' so it was just right for them to take it easy and rest a bit before continuing their adventure. And so, the Hestia familia had been taking it easy for yesterday along with this one. Well saying 'taking easy' wasn't appropriate since Zoro was still very much training Bell with huge intensity so there was that.

After coming out of dungeon that day, the first thing they did was to visit Miach Familia since they operate a small clinic and given the wounds of that girl, it was highly likely that the first group took her there directly to get immediate treatment and they were right. It didn't take long for Takemikazuchi and Hestia to run over as well after getting the news. Hestia didn't berate them in front of other people but once they left and got home, she chewed off their ears through a long session of lecture and interrogations and it was also during this time that the 'two days' agreement was made and accepted.

Today was the second and last day of said agreement and Zoro was simply lying on his couch since there was nothing for him to do. Bell on the other hand had gone to get himself a new Armor since his previous one was destroyed. Zoro didn't go along since even though he had a lot of knowledge about bladed weapons but none for Armor since he had never used neither was he going to use for now.

After some time of lying, he got up with a yawn and looked around. Hestia was nowhere to be seen since she had left for her job as well, so he was all alone. Although he liked this loneliness but only because it helped him sleep but right now he wasn't feeling any such urge despite trying for over an hour so,

"I should just go for a stroll", and he left.



Bell was out and about strolling the marketplace looking for a good but cheap Armor. He had once come to this marketplace with his advisor Eina and chose a very good light Armor perfectly fit for himself and right now, he was searching for the same piece. He had come yesterday as well looking for same Armor but just couldn't find one and upon asking the shop keeper got an answer of 'new stock not in yet' so he had left. Today he came once again searching for the same thing but couldn't find it. Perhaps he would need to wait for a bit more days.

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