Fame & Encounter

904 17 5

Ch 17: Fame and Encounter



"How long?"

"It should be coming soon"

Hestia Familia could be seen standing in a large hall with massive walls which shone like crystals. These crystallized walls were what provided light within the hall and also a gateway to despair.

They stood watching, astonished at pure height these walls possessed. What they were marvelling at wasn't present but rather the future. Sure, these walls were big and beautiful but what astonished them was the enormity of the being that would come out from here. From what they had heard, said being was every bit as big as these walls, something they had never seen or faced except in stories and legends.

They were waiting but without doing nothing. Lily could be seen arranging all the potions in her backpack, distributing them while others were completing their own preparations for soon-to-be fought battle.

They had just arrived here and as expected, the goliath had yet to spawn and show itself giving them time to arrange themselves in agreed-on formation.


Suddenly out of nowhere, a small crack could be seen appearing in otherwise smooth crystal wall right in front.

"Get ready!"

Not all members of Hestia Familia were here. Only those who would be able to do something against the Goliath and not become a burden were present here with everyone else situated elsewhere.

Those to not be present here were Suu, Emma and Leo.

Emma and Leo weren't here because their current powers wouldn't be able to deal any damage to that monster and Suu wasn't here due to her fighting style just not being compatible. Her current punches wouldn't be able to deal any damage to the goliath.

Take and Miach Familias had come over to help them but not here. They were situated right outside, at the entrance of 17th floor for the purpose of stopping any monsters from coming close. It was quite common for several monsters to come and fight alongside a floor boss whenever a battle occurred and so their job was to exterminate these helpers.

Leo, Emma and Suu were with them, and had completed their preparations. As soon as the battle begin, they would be facing waves upon waves of monsters and they would require every single individual, every single point of power to deal with them.

Seven lvl 2's and four lvl 1's.

A relatively strong group, equipped with everything. From fighters to a healer to magic casters and more. Their job was every bit as important as the ones fighting inside. This too was part of floor boss battle, one even those at low level could participate in.


On 17th floor, about to face the goliath, the atmosphere was solemn. This was their first time fighting something of this level. This was a monster which could easily destroy most C class familia and the ones fighting it were both low in level as well as numbers.

Zoro and Bell could be seen standing in front of everyone, facing the crystal wall while Lily was standing at the very back, on a raised ground. This position was dangerous, but it was also the only way she would be able to provide some help.

Welf on the other hand was standing slightly to the left of her with a large sword and a shield. His job was to protect Lily from after shockwaves which would no doubt be produced during this battle and also to attack the beast if a chance ever came.

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