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The scream of a robotic voice aroused my consciousness. "You trapped me!"

I sat up with a jolt, darting my head around. "Who said that?"

The alleyway was clear of people and the rain had calmed into a drizzle. I reached into my pocket and dug up my phone. "1 a.m?! No, no, no. I can't be out this late."

"Why?" That same voice spoke again. Now I knew I didn't hallucinate the first time. I quickly sprang up to my feet and spun on the spot, peering into the darkness to find the source of the voice. My heart's palpitation increased when my gaze fell on the sphere which was still releasing white smoke.

"Oh, no need to fear," the voice spoke so audibly as if it was talking directly into my ear. "It's just completely busted."

"Wha-what's happening to me?" I panicked.

"Whoa, calm down." Said the voice and suddenly I felt my heart rate slow down to normal and my breath became steady.

I was suddenly so calm and it didn't make sense. "What did you do?" I calmly asked--to my surprise.

"Isn't it obvious, I steadied your vitals."

"Are you...God?"

"What? No, I'm a Rotore. My name is Blitz."

"A Rotoray?" I quirked a brow.

"See, we're saying the same thing but you've got the wrong spelling in your head."

"How do you know the spelling that's in my he-" My eyes flashed wide open. "You're in my head! Your voice is coming from in-"

"Al...right! Just re-stabilized your vitals. Keep it together, Jason."

"Get out of my head!" I yelled. This isn't happening. I tried to convince myself.

"Actually, this is very much happening."

"Get out!" I impulsively flung myself, head first, at a brick wall.

To my uttermost surprise, the force of the impact was like a finger tap to the head-- completely painless.

"What?" I opened my eyes. Now positioned barely an inch in front of them, was a pair of blue lenses which surprisingly I could see through. My eyes looked around my head space and saw it was enclosed in this dark covering, like the feeling of a helmet. Before I could yell out a string of cuss words, I gazed upon my hands through the lenses and I was awed by what I saw.

They were encased within a sort of cream gold armor. Like an armored suit. And not just my hands but my entire body.

"Wha-" I gasped. "What did you do?"

"I protected you from a severe concussion," Blitz said. "Reading your brain waves though, I presume you meant to ask about your second skin. Allow me to briefly explain. On ejection out of my pod, I happened to bump into you, literally if I might add. My anatomy turns out to be dissolvable within human cells but my cellular structure--fused with yours--not only linked me directly to your nervous system but also mutated your epidermis into two layers bound together by strings of quarks. The outer epidermis is the 'armor' you now can see. It's made up of electron-plates which are-"

"Hold up! I think my brain is having a meltdown."

"Mmm, my scans reveal that your brain is only undergoing rigorous processing activity at the moment."

"Would you zip it and let me think?" I pinched the bridge of my nose. "You're saying I have a second skin made of metal?"

"In simple terms, your outer skin is made of metal-like energy, like my skin was before I fused. But since it's linked to your nervous system, you're able to partially feel whatever comes in contact with it."

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