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Gina rejected me, June confounded me, Nic betrayed me, Kazar stranded me.

But here I was, still standing.

Well, still flying to be precise. Hurtling through the tunnel at near max speed. I knew I was close. And the blood-curdling roar of Kazar confirmed the exact location I needed to be. So channeling all the pent-up rage in a single turbo punch, I smashed through the wall and drove my boots into the ground.

What a scene.

I took it all in as quickly as possible. Archer crouched behind an overturned desk to my left, Nic and three others behind chunks of rocks to my right. Kazar was barely two meters in front of me and a weird ring device in the background-with what resembled a sort of metal mega pill beside it.

"Jason?" Three voices hit me; Archer's, Nic's, and Blitz's!

My glare fell on the hulk of an obstacle in my way. The reason for my greatest dilemma.

"Hey!" I fumed at Kazar. "I'm still a hero!"

I didn't know what I expected but he slowly tilted his head. "Hero? Humans are retarded. There are no heroes. Only the weak, the strong, and their choices."

A quick laugh escaped me. "So Blitz is smarter than you because he told me something once. Heroes don't save the day, they brighten people's day."

He scowled but I didn't flinch. Instead, I fired up my blasters. "And I'm here to make sure the people of New Chronos don't fall prey to your diabolical plan."

"You should have stayed down and appreciated the mercy I showed you. Now I will show you no mercy."

Before he could lash forward, rounds of glowing green projectiles collided with him. Through the smoke, I saw the monster on his knees with cracks tracing up his arms. With a beam from his chest, the ground gave in beneath him and like a mole, he disappeared into it. Another barrage was fired on his previous spot.

My eyes widened as I traced the source to the minigun in Alain Archer's hands. "What kind of weapon is that?"

"Pesticide, the bullet kind." He rose from his cover and signaled his men to march forward.

Then he examined me. "All this while my arch nemesis was a mere blogger. After this, I'm going to rethink my life choices."

The awkward meter was through the roof. Timely as he was, Blitz pitched in. "Jason!"

I traced the sound to the metal mega pill beside the giant ring-like machine.

"You do that," I said to Archer with two thumbs up. "While I even the playing field."

Jogging over to the device, I called out. "Blitz?"

He responded from within. "Jason, I'm glad you came. I see you remembered the backup armor."

A smile traced my lips. "Funny thing was that I almost didn't remember."

"That wouldn't have been funny." He remarked. "How much juice you've got left?"

The holograms slid up. My boots were on 20% and my gloves were on 45%. I told him the stats and he hummed.

"There's a forcefield around this energy capsule I'm in. There's also one around that generator."

I put my hand forward and sure enough, there was something between it and the tall, slanted capsule.

A smug smile twitched my mouth. "I've got more than enough juice to break through that."

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