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•The Present_

I wouldn't lie, the suit always felt couped up when it was activated. But for the first time ever, I felt like the world was closing in on me. I was way up in the sky on turbo boost, flying to a live crime scene with that rare feeling of uncertain outcome. I drifted to my right, following the holographic navigation map in front of my eye space. All the while, Blitz's genocide story was on replay in my mind.

"You're saying that the Alx Army laid waste to your side of the planet in the span it would take for me to eat brunch?"

"That's one way to put it," Blitz replied. "But there's no way those destroyers could have found me, right? My flight was off the radar."

A lump formed in my throat as I continued to fly through the howling winds. "What if they did?"

For the second time, I could remember, Blitz took a moment before answering. "Then I'm afraid this world is beyond saving."

"What?!" My heart rate spiked as I ground to a halt. "No, no, that can't be. You're exaggerating right?"

"Jason, calm down."

"Calm down? Did you just say calm down?" My veins bulged out. "Like I should calm down and watch my world burn?"

"You know that's not what I meant."

I threw my hands to my temples and squeezed my eyes shut. "Just tell me you were exaggerating, Blitz. Tell me they can be stopped. Please, tell me there's a way. You can run like a billion algorithms--"

"Jason!" Blitz snapped, quieting me for the moment. "I can't lie to you as much as you can't to me. You know I was not exaggerating and I can't tell you there's a way unless I confirm who we're really up against. Alright?"

I heaved a sigh, slightly relaxing my nerves as I did so. "Right. Let's go to S.P.E.R.E Bank & Holdings first."

"Actually," Blitz closed the holographic map. "We've already arrived."

"What?" I spun on the spot to see the towering banking complex.
"Wow," My voice trailed in awe. "This place is huge! Is it their HQ or something?"

"Affirmative," Blitz stated. "S.P.E.R.E Bank & Holdings HQ is a 45-story high-rise banking complex with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment. It's the most secure building in New Chronos, more secure than city hall. Billions of dollars are moved in and out in a day as it stands at the foremost of international monetary trade. Security cameras and trained officers on every floor. However, x-ray scans reveal that all the guards have been maliciously taken out."

"Right, a bit of unnecessary info there. Next time, try a little filtering. The slogan is Simplicity."

"It's Tekeon!" A familiar voice called from below. I looked down and spotted big dots in the trimmed grass compound that stretched around the base of the building and stopped at a huge square patterned barbed wire fence. The grass fields were broad. Broad enough to accommodate the cop cars that were parked haphazardly on them.

"Blitz, zoom please."

My view zoomed in on the scene. A massive hole had defaced the white stone wall. What do villains have against doors?!

On the outside of the hole, men in security uniforms were sprawled out across the floor, looking badly injured. Whatever broke in, must have done that to them.

"No kidding, Sherlock." Blitz's voice interrupted my stream of thought yet again.

"So I can't even run a deduction without you breathing down my nervous system?"

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