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I didn't know whether to take that as a compliment or not but I put my sunglasses back on.

"In the flesh!" I boomed intending to ooze great confidence. Though I shortly began to rethink if that was the right move to make.

"In the flesh?" Blitz echoed. "Real smooth."

"Come," Gina gestured with a wave of her hand. "I'll show you our table." She proceeded towards the counter.

As I trailed her, a  million thoughts popped up in my mind. "This is the eatery floor, right? Is the bakery above?"

"Yes and yes." She replied. So much for small talk.

"Bro!" Nic's deep voice fixed my gaze. He was seating at a round table for three at a window-side. He wore a black leather jacket which not only showcased his muscles but also complemented his messy man bun haircut.

I took in the table's content as I sat down; Cupcakes, cookies, and three cups of coffee.

"I don't know where to start," I admitted.

"Just dig in at random." Nic jeered.

"I'm not talking about the food. I know exactly which one to start with." I raised a coffee cup to my lips and took a long sip, putting my thoughts in order as I did so. "I mean the surprises, like Nic's thick hair."

"Bro, it just grew. Nothing surprising there."

"He says it so modestly like there wasn't at least a thousand different hair products involved," Gina smirked.

Nic's face paled. "That's an exaggeration and you know that." He pointed a cupcake in Gina's direction who smirked in response.

I continued airing my thoughts. "So why Cross-Bakes?"

She reached for a cookie. "Well, I work here part-time. Usually night shifts. Thought I'd make use of my employee discount for a change."

"And I'm telling you," Nic remarked between munches. "You don't need this job. Just save your energy and focus for med school. You're already doing great there."

She gave him a lop-sided smile. "I know, but I still want to work here till vacation is over. I'm getting better at baking and getting paid for it."

I watched as they shared a gaze. Nic smiled back at her.

I slurped my coffee really loud, attracting a bit more attention than just the two of them. "Is there something I should know?" I arched a brow as I slammed my cup on the table.

Nic cleared his throat. "Of course not."

"But," Gina removed her cap and found a free space for it on the table. She then gave me a poker face. "Care to tell us how long you've been having an affair with--what's her name?--oh yes, June Austere."

I suddenly tensed. Why didn't I see that coming?

"We're not dating yet, we just--"

"Yet?" Gina's voice was edgy.

I wrestled the urge to face-palm myself. "No, I mean we just met yesterday. That was the very first time!"

"And you were grinning that wide in front of the cameras?" Nic laughed. "Bro! She hits different doesn't she?"

My face was flushed at that point. 'Damn live streaming.' I thought.

"I swear it wasn't what it looked like." I tried for a defense. I was beginning to regret coming here.

Gina must have read my mood. "Alright, let's cut our favorite celebrity some slack." She shot me a smile and my heart melted almost instantly. Feeling my blush intensify, I hid my face behind my raised coffee cup and maintained the most macho posture I could think of.

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