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The monster turned to face me, staring me down with those large beady eyes as he flexed his oversized crimson claws.

"The intelligence of the Alx is far greater than what the retarded human race could ever possibly dream of attaining. So at the very least, I have enough to know that a few men seldom show up and that an archer is planning to take a dangerous shot."

I gave a wavering smile as sweat beaded my face. "Ah, I see what you did there. Nice pun."

He rose a claw in the air and balled it into a fist. Everyone instantly stopped working. "Assemble."

The clanking of metal parts as they hit the floor was followed by marching footsteps until all the men--about forty--were lined up on my left and right.

Kazar folded his arms behind his back and spoke with a thunderous voice. "Anyone who is not here is no longer considered part of my servants and will join the rest of the world to face destruction on the arrival of the Alx Army."

"Shit." I muttered under my breath.

"The rest of you here have the choice to reaffirm your loyalty to the Alx. Bow to receive mercy to serve in the new world that we shall erect from the ruins of the old."

My knees buckled faster than the seatbelt of an F1 racer. Mummurs erupted from the men around me but I couldn't be bothered by anyone's stupidity.

"Forgive me," I bowed deeply. "Great Kazar, for my waywardness."

The sound of kneecaps meeting the tiled floor rang through the air but I didn't look up until someone made an outburst.

"Screw you, Archer!" A scrawny man with disheveled grey hair spat. "Here I was thinking you were coming back to save us! So much for gang loyalty, I'm getting out of here."

He opened his palms to reveal two grenades on each one, already unpinned, before hurling them at Kazar.

With speed like lightning, Kazar grasped all four in midair with a huge claw. His fist then balled up tight right before a resounding 'boom' came from within, followed by escaping clouds of smoke.

I watched, baffled by his composure and strength.

He spread out his fist and launched one of his claws like a bullet. My eyes followed the trajectory to see the rebellious man impaled to the wall at the far end of my office; his eyes bulged wide with shock.

"Idiot." I muttered as I returned my gaze to the cream-tiled floor.

"Who else wants to forsake my mercy?"

The place was silent like a graveyard.

"Rise, Archer. All is forgiven."

I slowly rose to my feet, feeling a flood of relief wash over me.

He beckoned me to follow with a wave of his hand. I noticed that the claw had grown back already.

"How can I be of service?" I straightened the collars of my royal blue suit, trying to keep up the pace with the giant.

We came out of the office through the door frame into the spacious stoney tunnels. I gazed up to see that Kazar's head was barely inches away from the yellow fluorescent lights illuminating our path across the arching roof.

"As you know," he began with his usual grave voice. "The third part of the Rotore spaceship was retrieved today, only one more remains."

"Of course. Do you want me to recover it?"

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