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I heaved a sigh of relief as the elevator dinged open, revealing the hallway of my temporally living space. It was hours since Jason left. Hours of practice and effort into recording my new album. Hours that would soon pay off.

Now that night had fallen and my session for today was over, I wanted nothing more than to take a hot shower, slip into some cozy nightwear and snuggle under the covers. Probably also drink some wine somewhere in between. But it was step by step, just like production.


Feeling fresh and relaxed in my bright red jammies, I yawned with a prolonged stretch.

"And for the final step." I closed my eyes and spread my arms before falling backward on my bed with a bounce.

I heaved a sigh as I eased my muscles. "What a day."

Thoughts of the moments with Jason replayed in my head. Especially the part where we almost kissed. I bit my lip, imagining the complete scene without Andrews' interruption. While it did make my stomach flutter, it wasn't so exhilarating anymore. It wasn't the first time I thought about making out with Jason McLean and it probably won't be the last. But that was the problem, it was just a thought.

I stifled a laugh as nostalgia hit me. Never thought I'd still be shy to approach anybody or make my intentions known. How it felt like high school over again.

"I've got to call Ember." I muttered and rolled to the side of my bed, tangling some streaks of hair over my face. My vision wasn't really obstructed though, so I was able to swipe my iPhone from beside the night lamp on the side drawer and roll back to the center of the bed.

With my hair on the pillow and my hands extending upward with the phone, I dialed Ember on FaceTime. It rang a few times. "C'mon girl, pick up."

"Juny!" Her beaming face popped up. "It's been a while, how are you?"

"Hey, Embs. I'm just fighting to stay sane, you know, the usuals."

"Ahh, but we're all insane." She readjusted her phone so that it was propped up against some surface and captured her bursty shape as she sat on a bed in white jammies with her legs crossed. It was like the camera was looking up at her. "Hope you can still see my face, I wanted to rest my arms a bit."

"Yeah, I can." My face lit up as I noticed her hair. I shrieked in excitement. "Your hair is fabulous, girl! You were serious about that blue dye thing."

Ember pursed her lips as she flaunted her long wavy hair. "When am I not serious about my plans?"

I made an awkward face. "When it comes to dating?"

She snickered over the phone. "How did you find out Vince and I had broken up?"

"I saw him at the gala last night, with another woman apparently. So who called it off?"

"Guilty." She sang cheerfully, barely to my surprise. "I was only dating him for the publicity."

I sighed. "Poor guy." How she could play with feelings so lightly always disturbed me. But I had long stopped trying to 'change' her. She was my bestie, not another me.

"Woaw, don't go sympathizing for Vince Hathaway. He would have called off the relationship sooner if I didn't. He only wanted my body and he was getting bored."

I pouted. "Oh." An awkward silence lingered before she broke it with a grin.

"I beat him at his own game though. Got away with a brand-new Rolls-Royce! And also got the attention of huge modeling agencies. Now I'm just pondering who my next victim should be..."

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