Chapter 4

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After a few hours of studying, Justin decides that it's getting late and it's time for him to go home. "I'll see you tomorrow!" I say, as I kiss him on the cheek. "See you tomorrow, babe." he says, waving on last goodbye, walking towards his house. I walk in the house and see my mother and Ariana, watching home videos that he would sendd us along with the tapes with his voice on them them, when he was in the army. Tears were streaming down my mother's face, and Ariana had a sad look on her face. "Da-da?" she asks. "Yes that is your father Ri." she says. Ri was the nickname that my mom and I call her. "I'll take her up to bed." I say as I walk over to her picking her up. "Thank you." she sniffles. I take Ariana up to her room and i put her in her crib and sing her the lullaby that my dad used to sing to me. After a while she was sleep and I was sleepy too, so I went to my room and passed out the second I got under the blanket.


The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I hit the top of it, shutting it off. Then I get my clothes out for school this morning and take a shower. Today, I decided to wear a long sleeve red shirt, black skinny jeans, a red and black bracelet,and my red converse. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail with a red ribbon and a black little bow to pull back my bangs. When I walk downstairs, my mom is sitting at the table with Ariana in her high chair. Ariana was screaming, hungry for food, but my mom was just sittting there, without a care, with this blank look on her face. She looked like she was in a trance of some sort, like she was thinking really hard. Ariana started screaming louder, but my mom just ignored her. "Mom?" I ask. She doesn't say anything back. "MOM?!" I ask. She just stares into space, without a care in the world. I take the food from her, frustrated, and start feeding Ariana. "If you want to take care of her so bad, take care of her yourself!" she yells at me, shoving me to the ground. With that being said, she stomps up to her room, slamming the door.

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