Chapter 8

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Should I stay or should I go? That's the question. Would I take Ariana, or leave her with Justin? If something happens to me, I can't let her live the rest of her life by herself without any family to care for her. "You better not go. I know what you're thinking." he whispers to me. My head whips up and I look at him. He passes me the work for our math class, and I start working on it. "Can you please let me go? I think that its for the best." I plead. "No. I said no and I'm not going to change my answer." he snaps. "Why won't you trust me? I know how it feels to run away. When I was 14, I ran away for 6 months." I say. "Yeah, and then the police found you because your mother was about to blow up from stress to find you." he says. "Well my mom isn't here is she? She can't do anything, and neither can you." I snap. "I'll look for you. And anyways that would mean I'd have to take care of Ariana along with my other siblings." he says. "Then why not come with me?" I suggest. "I'm not going to get killed because of running away! Are you crazy?" he asks. "No, I'm not. Don't get upset if you don't find me though. I have connections all through town. I have my mom's car. I'll be fine." I say. He doesn't answer me. The long day goes by, and then its time for dismissal. "Are we going to walk home together?" I ask. "Um sorry, but we have football tryouts today. I'll see you later on though." he says. "I understand. well bye!" I give him a little peck on the cheek, and then I quickly run to the daycare.

"Hey Ms. Betty! I'm picking Ari up!" I call through the house, since she's in the kitchen. "Ok bye baby!" she says back. I pick her up then race home. "Hello?" I ask. "Hi, who is this?" The voice asks. "Emily, its me Katie, can I drop Ariana off at your house and she can stay the week?" I ask. Emily was my best girlfriend and she is always there when I need her. "Sure! Come by whenever." she agrees. "Thanks. Love you!" I say, then hang up.

After dropping her off, I make my way on my journey. After a few hours of walking, I finally make it to my first destination. I look around, and I see a coffee shop right down the street. When I open the doors, the warm smell of chocolate enters my nose. I feel a buzz from my pocket, but ignore it. "Hello and what would you like today?" a old woman with gray hair greets me. "Um just hot chocolate please?" I ask. "Coming right up! Please sit down." She gestures over to a table, a gray curl falling over her face. I take my phone out of my pocket and sigh as I read the text.

Where are you? I hope you didn't leave... ~Justin

He probably went to my house after he came from football practice. I'll just call him tomorrow and tell him that everything is going to be ok. After I eat, I start walking down the street to my friend's house that is 20 minutes away. I can hear footsteps behind me so I try walking fast. After a while, the footsteps just disappear. Someone jumps in front of me with a ski mask on. I try to back up, but run into someone that's behind me. Turning around, I gasp when I see him wearing a ski mask similar to the guy in front. The first guy wraps his arm around my waist and starts pulling me. "Don't talk, scream, or do anything." He says. I just nod, hoping for the best. He hits me over the head with something, and I black out...

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