Chapter 9

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"So what is a little girl like you doing out here?" He asks. "It's a free country." I snap. He slaps me across my face and I let out a little yelp. "Don't give me attitude." he says. "Let me rephrase that for you. Who are you looking for and where are you going?" he asks. "Why do you assume that I'm looking for someone?" I ask. "I know, I just know." he says. "Why do you need me?" I ask. "For some tasks. Nothing big." He replies. "When can I leave?" I ask. "When we tell you to." he replies. "Fine I don't really care." I say, but then regret my words. I sheild my face with my arms and he just chuckles. He puts a blindfold over my face and I slowly drift off into the darkness covering my sight. I wake up to the car stopping, making me jerk back a little. The blindfolds are still over my eyes, and a man grabs me and pulls me out of the car. We walk for a little and soon he opens the door to somewhere and we walk inside. After a while, he opens another door, maybe to a room, and throws me in. I land with a thud and the door slams. Sliding off the blindfold, the scent of cement enters my nose. I'm in a room that has absolutely nothing in it. No bed, dresser, not even a lamp. A young boy about my age is pushed into the room. "Go and give her the food. If you do well enough, I won't keep you like her!" he yells. "I won't upset you sir." the boy whispers. "Wipe that smile off your face! Just for that, you can spend the night in here!" The boy shuffles into the room, a tray in his hands. "What's your name?" I ask him. "Um, its Garrett." he replies, you can barely hear his voice. "What wrong?" "I'm just worried for you." he replies. "I'll be fine. No need to worry." I reassure him. "I think you'll be fine." he admits.

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