The man taken by evil

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COLBY’S pov: 

“So how are you feeling?” i question the girl next to me as we look around together “im fine” she replies while looking up at me with a small smile on her face, shes beautiful, i notice as her emotions change as she looks behind me. I turn to look but i dont see anything “whats wrong?... is there something here?” i question noticing the tint of fear in her eyes “yeah…. Can you come with me?” she asks, i nod and follow her to a corner of the room we were in, i stand behind her so she can make contact with whoever it was. 

Y/N’s pov: 

I follow him to the corner and Colby stands behind me. “Hello” the man in front of me says “hi” i say in response “what happened to you?” i question, he looked normal he was in a smart suit and looked like he was around 20-24 and he had a fancy cane, sometimes when i see them they either show themselves normal, no injuries, they look like they are alive and nothing happened to them, but then other times they look like they did when they died, if something happened to them like being shot i will see the injuries and it can be horrible i have seen things that have stuck around with me everytime i close my eyes. 

“Would you like me to show you?” he replies, i realise at this point that there is something not quite right, “yes” i reply. 

COLBY’s pov:

“What happened to you?” she questions whoever she was seeing. I see her whole body language change in just a second as if she had just noticed something was wrong. “Yes” she says as she prepares herself for whatever is going to happen, all of a sudden she starts to shake and back away into me. “Whats wrong?” i ask worried “stop… stop it… please… STOP” she shouts fear thick in her voice pulling the attention of the group causing them to make their way over. 

Y/N’s pov:

“Yes” i reply. And then he changed his once normal face now had a gun shot in between his eyes he had blood covering his face, his white shirt was now red from the blood he had blood on his hands but i knew it wasnt his. And he stood there smiling at me stepping closer to me. “Stop… stop it… please… STOP” I shout as I back away bumping into Colbys front. I close my eyes as hard as I can and feel tears slipping down. “STOP” i shout “your weak this place is stronger than you” he says and i can feel him breathe on my face, “go away” i hear amanda say “you need to leave right now” she adds i open my eyes to see everyone around us and amanda telling whatever that ‘man’ was to go away. I couldn't see where James was and the closest person I had was Colby. I turned around and buried my head into his chest. He instantly wrapped his arms around me and held me. 

“It's okay… dont worry hes gone” Colby says and then i realise that i am holding on to a guy i just met for dear life so i pull away and wipe my tears off of my face, “sorry… i umm didnt mean too” i say trying to make it less awkward “no its fine” he replies with a nervous look on his face. “What just happened?” Sam asks as I go to stand next to James “well I was just talking to Colby over there and then I see someone behind him and he… it wanted me to follow… it … and so i did and he looked normal he was from like when the ship was still working and travelling he was wearing a fancy suit with a cane and he seemed nice and then i asked him what happened so he was going to show me and that's when i felt something was off about him he showed me what he really looked like'' i say gaining my confidence back “so was he human or not?” Matt asked me “he was human but i think he was being controlled by something more powerful” i answer.

“Are you okay to carry on?” James asks me worried “yeah im completely fine now '' I reply, getting ready to start walking again “okay then let's go '' Sam says. We finally made it to the actual theatre “whoa its so big and fancy” i say as we walk in. we go down to the front rows and start to run around the chairs “do you remember when you were a little kid and you would run around like this” colby says as he continues to run “what are you on about i did this like the other day” amanda replies as she starts to follow colby. 

We go to the next place and go into a little room me and amanda walk in first but couldn't see anything cause of how dark it was, we walk out and then sam walks in with the camera me and amanda walk back in to look around a little bit more and then a light turns on “okay wait… oh you turned on the light… thank god cause we just walked in a minute ago and that did not happen” i say “i was confused as well” amanda says and we both chuckle at our confusion. Everyone else joins us but then we all hear a noise that sounded a lot like a growl “what was that?” amanda questions as we all go quiet to figure out what it was that was making the noise, it keeps on happen and i start to look around to find the source “it sounds like something rubbing up against the ship” Colby points out “do you know what it is?” i ask the guide. 

The guide comes in and listens “what is that?” he says joining the group with the confusion. “That sounds like something growling” colby says “dont say that” i say hating what he just said “me and Y/N were just in here by ourselves and the noise wasn't there” amanda mensions “it was dead silent until you guys came in” i add. “I remember something that we read about though called the growling ghost, apparently people have rumoured to hear all around the ship something sounds like a growl could that be what they were talking about.” Colby informes. 

“Wait what” colby yells as we walk into the room with the prepelar. “They say that the prepelar is super haunted, because you know how the queen mary hit another ship? The bow is super haunted and then if they didnt die on impact they got sucked into the prepelar… so they say that the propeller room is super haunted.” amanda explains to the group. We keep on walking and go to a room with loads of pictures on the wall with information under them. 

I start to walk around and read some of the information and amanda comes up to me “how are you feeling?” she asks “im fine now” i reply “thank you by the way… for getting him to leave” i add. “Its ok dont worry… its nice to have someone who can see them aswell and help” she says “yeah” i nod as we continue to walk around. “So are you and james dating?” she asks neging me with her sholder “no we’re just friends that mess around” I reply "mess around how?" She questions with slight chuckle "friends with benefits I guess" I say giggling and we carry on walking and talking.  

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