Fire Ritual.

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The boys come back to the tent “lets find a spot and do this fire and just calm down” Sam says stood outside of the tent, Jake gets out and then Colby comes and helps me out keeping a hold of my arm, we head over to an area and the boys set up the chairs and the fire pit. I sit in one of the chairs holding my body and keeping an eye out for anything around us. 

They get the fire started and then come and sit down. I sat in between Colby and Corey, “Jake, I got you a snack brother.” Colby says grabbing something out of the plastic bag “what?” Jake asks colby passes him something “i knew you would eat it” Colby says 

“What is this?” Jake asks looking at the packet “i got two incase you want to try it sam, its just an icecream sandwich” Colby says, Jake takes a bite out of the sandwich and you could hear how dry it was, “what if the pot explodes?” Colby says “can it explode?” Corey says laughing and we all look down at the fire “no its made for this” Sam says but sounds a bit unsure. 

“I dont taste anything” Jake says referring to the ice-cream sandwich, he hands it to Corey and he takes a turn at trying it, “it taste like a lucky charms marshmallow with no taste” Corey says making us all laugh. 

“Stay here” Colby says to me as he and Jake get up to go to the car, i nod my head yes and sink into my seat, my head still hurting. “That is so creepy, that’s what we look like to everyone else” Sam says pointing the camera at the boys who are now walking back to us “it looks like aliens are walking towards us” Corey laughs. 

They make it back to us and they put the stuff on the floor “are you okay?” Colby asks looking at me “yeah its just a headache” I say giving him a small smile and getting more comfortable in my chair, Colby grabs the sage out of his bag and starts to light it in the fire, “do you mind recording?” Sam asks handing me the camera “of course not” 

“So while he is burning the sage guys the next step is going to be taking one personal object…” Sam starts but i notice how close Colbys hand is to the fire “please dont burn your hand Colby” I say “i wont” he says “and we are going to-” “keep talking brother we’re listening” Colby says saging me and then moving over to Corey 

“okay , we’re going to take our personal object and throw it into the fire and then we’re also gonna toss names of the spirits that we think are haunting us into the fire and that should cleanse it together” Sam says 

“I think we’re ready to go guys” Colby says sitting back down in his chair next to me, “okay i think we start off with Lucy” Sam says writing is down “wait y’all think that Lucy and like the cowboy and stuff is attached to us from the stanley?” Corey says “no no, we’re just trying to take every single precaucion we can” Colby says 

“We don't want the spirit of Lucy or the cowboy from Stanley to be haunting us cause we want to know if this place is haunted not if Stanley is following us” Sam says and hands the piece of paper to Colby “what else do you think there is?” Sam asks “can I do my own?” I ask “yeah, what is it?” Sam asks “Alex” I say and Sam writes it down while the other boys look at me with sorrow. 

“Three more” Sam says handing Colby the next name “have you put the cowboy down yet?” Colby asks “no but he can go down, any others that you think could be following us?” Sam asks “the shadow man” Colby says looking at Corey “bro… come on bro” Corey says “im just saying” Colby replies “why did you have to bring that up?” Corey asks 

“Because what other like story have we told” Colby asks “in the woods? You had to bring that up out here?” Corey questions fear evident on his face. “Lets say that we saw a shadow person, if we turn off all the lights there cant be a shadow” Jake says “i mean thats pretty smart” I say “i’ve been talking about the shadow man a lot lately and ive been like-” “manifesting it” Jake says  

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