Door 13

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We make our way down to the enginering area and look around. “Do you see anything?” sam asks me and amanda “i see glimpses of people doing work but that it i mostly feel them right now” i answer “what do you mean by feel them?” matt questions “well i can see them but sometimes they dont show themselves but i can still feel them around and what their like” i explain “i will also feel strong emotions as well like anger, fear, sadness or happines.” i add. “What about you amanda?” colby asks “yeah it can be like Y/N said i can feel them even when they dont want to show themselves to me… ive seen a few people but like as their walking so i havent spoken to them or seen them properly yet” she explains. 

We all walk through a door and then amanda stops and points at the door we just went through “oh wait thats door 13” colby realizes “haha we’re so smart guys” i joke and we all laugh. “Was that you guys that pushed that and make it go *weird honk/creak noise*” sam questions looking back at the group “what do you mean?” kat asks “you heard that right” amanda asks our guide “did you make a noise? I heard like a *chirp*” kat adds “yeah i heard that to, there was a girls voice. Im actually getting chills right now” Colby adds. 

After freaking out for a minute sam starts to talk about john who was crushed in door 13 he then talks about the fact people hear running and whistling which is like what we had just heard. Sam then continues to talk about things that people have experienced in the place that john had died. 

As i was standing there listening to sam and colby i saw someone poking their head around the corner behind the boys i look to my left and amanda looks at me as well giving me the look that she just saw what i did. We carry on like nothing had happened and amanda tells everyone about the younger engineers playing chicken in the door when it would start shutting, “some people said that john was doing that before he died but he told me ‘i wasnt playing chicken, i wasnt looking for a wrench but i dont remember what i was doing that i was stuck in the door i remember being stuck there but i dont remember how i ended up there’ there was a man standing behind you that me and Y/N saw he was pretty young um looks like john” amanda explains “wait right now?” sam asks creeped out at the fact someone was behind him and he didnt know. 

“He was on the other side of the door like in between the two red things-” i say, the boys go over to look “-right there like he was like peering like seeing what we’re doing yeah like he was just standing here like hes not all upset, this is where he died he goes ‘i dont know how i ended up there i dont know why i ended up there but like thats like he was supposed to die at that point it was going to happen.”  “he told me ‘that was the worst of his deaths.’ and i go ‘what do you mean deaths?, plural?’ cause i dont believe in reincarnation and he goes like, ‘that wasnt my first death.’ so i asked if he had multiple lives he said he had almost 20. And i ask ‘are all of them good or all of them bad? like some people destined to just have kind crappy lives… and some people are always gonna make it?’ and he goes ‘its not, like, one life i was pharaoh and the next i was working on  the queen after world war two’” amanda said. 

“I’ve been told by a psychic that ive had like 20 lives” colby said “when you have deja vu like you feel like youve done something before but you know you havent like they say its from your past life.” matt explains. We carry on walking around and im in the middle of the group with james messing around and i  notice colby looking at me weirdly but i just brush it off, “he likes you” someone whispears in my ear i turn to see it wasnt anyone in the group it was someone i know that follows me around every where i go “shut up you dont even know who he is” i say not noticing how loud it came out “what?” kat asks as everyone looks at me “is someone here?” sam questions “oh yeah but their nobody” i said “hey… that hurt” they joke next to me “are they part of like the people who died on the ship?” colby asks “no… its someone i knew their harmless i just see them now and then.” i say. 

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