She's Okay, She's Strong.

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I was bored so I thought it would be fun to create a floor plan of the Y/n’s grandpa's house for you guys so you know a ruff layout. 

“Table for three Mr Romano?” the girl at the door asks “yes please Rose”, I look at my grandpa and smile “what?” he questions “i only come here when im missing you, which is all the time” he adds, mumbling the last part just loud enough so we could hear him. 

“Your table and your menus, i will be back over in a few minutes to get your drinks” Rose says placing the menus down on the table, Colby grabs my seat and pulls it out for me “thank you” I Say as he helps me push my car in. “so… how did you two meet?” pops asks opening up his menu

"i went with him and his friends to investigate the Queen Marry, and we’ve been hanging out since, he let me stay at his apartment for a few days after the whole thing with Alex” I explain “thank you for looking after her” my pops says to Colby “no problem, she’s not that bad” Colby jokes. 


The waitress brings over all the food and the three of us start to eat. “So… ummm how are my parents?” I ask not looking at my grandpa or Colby “i dont really know i havent spoken to them in a while” my pops says, i hum and give a small nod. 


“Why did we ever think that it was a good idea to try and eat this much?” i ask, leaning back in my chair and putting my hand on my stomach “i dont know” pops says putting his napkin on his plate. 

“Can we get the bill please?” pops asks and the waitress nods and goes to get it. “I’ll pay” i say grabbing my cash out of my bag “no you wont” pops says putting his hand on mine and pushing it back down into my bag. “Please pops” I say “no and no argument” “fine but i'm buying next time” I say. 


“I’ll be in in a sec” i say as the guys go inside “you still smoke?” pops asks, turning around and leaving the door open, “yeah, it helps with everything” I say, putting a cigarette between my lips and lighting it, “okay” pops says knowing he cant get me to stop so he goes inside with Colby following. 

I sit on the porch swing and cross my legs just looking at the street in front of me, I just think, being back here has meant a lot of memories have been brought up. 

“Im gonna head to bed” I say walking into the sitting room after finishing my cigarette “are you okay?” Colby asks giving me a worried look “yeah just tired is all” i reply forcing a smile, “okay, goodnight buttercup” pops says smiling at me “night” i say walking upstairs. 

I get changed into an oversized t-shirt and curl up in the bed. 

Colby’s pov: 

“She’s okay. She’s strong.” her grandpa says “yeah, she is” i reply looking down at the whisky in my hands “how has she been after it happened?” he asks “umm… shes uh shes been strange, ive noticed her looking off into the distance and you can see that she is thinking about what happened, you can see that her smile is fake” i say

“Thank you for being there for her” he says finishing his drink as i do the same, “you dont need to thank me i like to be around her she fun to hang out with” I say standing up, her grandpa take my glass and we both separate to go to bed. 

Y/N’s pov: 

“I’m hungry… have you eaten?” Katrina asks “no. Chinese?” I ask “yes, i will call and order” Kat says grabbing her phone, i go to the bathroom and freshen up a bit, i clean the mascara from under my eyes and place my hands on my cheeks cooling them down a bit, there's a knock on the door again. I walk out of the bathroom and see Kat stood by the couch “it could just be the boys” she says 

She opens the door and my heart drops and i see Kat panic as well, i walk over to my kitchen and grab one of my knives, I go to the door and stand in front of Katrina “leave right now” I demand “come on y/n dont be like that” Alex says with a smile that makes me want to be sick “Katrina call the police” “theres no need for that” he says coming closer “stay the fuck back” I say pointing the knife closer to him “if you move again i will stab you” I threaten 

“You really, you're weak” he says coming closer to me “what do you want from me?” I ask “you. I want you to come home”        

I sit up in my bed holding onto my chest trying to catch my breath and stop my heart from racing, i turn on the lamp next to my bed and try to take some deep breathes but it doesnt work. 

I slowly stand up, bracing myself on my bed trying to stay upright because my legs are feeling weak, i make it to my door and open it, i start walking towards the room that Colby is in. i turn the door knob and gently push it open letting the light from the hallway go into the room and hit Colbys sleeping face. 

I stumble into the room still struggling to breath normally “Colby?” i say quietly realising im crying. I close the door and walk closer to the bed “Colby?” i say a bit louder this time which wakes him up, “what going on?” he questions opening his eyes a little and turning on his lamp, he turns and looks at me with worry. “What happened? Are you okay?” he asks sitting up more so he can reach me. 

I just let out a quiet sob, Colby gently grabs my arms and pulls me on the bed with him, “your okay” he says hushing me while I sit in his arms holding onto his shirt for comfort.  


Short chapter sorry but i hope you enjoy it and if you do vote so i know you like it. Love ya xx 

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