Leaving Early.

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 I wake up and notice that Colby wasn’t next to me anymore, i get some leggings out of my bag and go to the bathroom to check my makeup, noticing that its a mess after crying and sleeping. I wash my makeup off and head downstairs but i hear Colby talking to his parents about me. 

“She has to leave today” Colby says “are you going with her?” his mom asks “”im gonna ask if she wants me to be with her as support but i don’t know yet” Colby answers. I finish walking down the stairs and they stop their conversation. 

“Morning” Colby says coming over to me hugging me “morning” I reply and both his parents do the same. “Your not coming with me. Your staying here and finishing your visit with your family” I say looking up at Colby “are you sure?” he asks “yeah and besides i’ve got Pops” I say. 

“Right well i should make some breakfast you can’t go without eating something first” his mom says “you dont have to” I say “nonsense” she says “i need to go book my flight and get ready” I say and head back upstairs. I sit on the bed and book a flight on my laptop, i start looking through my things but i realise that i have nothing for court 

“Hey are you okay?” Colby asks from behind me in his doorway, but i dont answer i just keep rummaging through my bag the stress hitting me like a train, “y/n? Whats going on?” Colby questions again, walking closer to me. 

“I have nothing for court.” I say “i dont have anything to wear” i say and tears threaten to fall from my eyes. “Hey thats okay i can take you to get something to wear before you leave. Whens your flight?” he asks crouching down behind me and lifting me to my feet and turning me around to face him “its at 1.30” i say wrapping my arms around his waist while he holds onto me. 

“Right well then we will eat breakfast and then we will go to the mall” he says into my hair, i look up at him and admire the amazing man i have right now, “what?” he asks chuckling “nothing just admiring an incredible man” i say smiling. 

“I should really get dressed” i say, starting to pull away from the hug, “no. i want you to wear my top today, you look hot” he says squeezing my sides, “but-” i start but he cut me off “no, your wearing it” he says “fine” I say giving up on fighting him about it not in the mood. 

We head back downstair and eat breakfast and then head to the mall. “I can open my own door” i say, as Colby holds it open for me “ i know you can but i wont let you” he say kissing me on the cheek once ive stood up properly “well thank you” i say. 

“What shop should we go to first?” Colby asks as we walk through the entrance, “i dont know. I dont even know what you wear to court” I say looking around “lets try this one” he says grabbing my hand and leading me into the shop, we let go of each other when we get in just incase of fans. 

“See anything you want?” Colby asks “these are nice” i say looking at a pair of brown trousers “they're nice, do you want to try it on?” he asks “no its fine” I says grabbing my size and carrying on walking around the store. “We can go to another store if you want” Colby says “yeah, i might get this top as well” I say looking at a plain black long sleeve top that is a little cropped but not too much. 

“Ok then lets get it” he says and we go to the counter, i pay and then we keep looking at different stores, i get some doc martens and a black leather blazer jacket and another two outfits, and then we go back to Colby's parents house. 

“What do you want to do for the next couple of hours?” Colby asks, sat on the bottom his bed while i put my new clothes into my suitcase, “i dont know” I say not looking up at him, “do you want to cuddle?” he asks, i zip up my suitcase and walk over to him and rest my arms on his shoulder standing between his legs “is this a yes to cuddles?” he asks looking up at me smirking. 

“Yes” i say leaning down and connecting our lips, Colby’s hands go to my hips squeezing them, i pull away from the kiss and we lay down and cuddle. I jump a little when i hear my alarm going of breaking the silence that i’ve been laying in for the last couple hours, Colby had fallen asleep and i have just been laying  on his chest taking it in while i can, but now i have to leave to go to the airport. 

I swipe my finger across the screen of my phone turning off my alarm before it wakes colby up, i slowly get up and off the bed and grab my trainers i left by my suitcase “where are you going?” I turn hearing Colbys sleepy voice “ive got to go to the airport” I say standing my case up “i’ll drive you” he says “no your bussy you and sam are meeting up in a bit” I say walking over to a now standing Colby 

“No i am driving you and thats final” he says, giving me a peck on the lips, “fine”. He carries my things to the car and then i say goodbye to his parents and then we go to the airport, Colby told Sam and Jake that i was having to leave so that was already dealt with, we got to the airport and Colby walked me to my gate after getting me a starbucks. 

“Text me when you’ve landed, okay, and keep me updated” Colby says as we wait by security “okay” i say “you’ve got this, your the strongest person i know. I’ll see you back at LA” he says “see you back at LA” i say and leaning up to kiss Colby “goodbye” i say “goodbye”. 

I go through security and board the plane. Sit in my seat and text Colby and my pops that im about to be in the air. I settle in and decide i should probably start to write down what i want to say so i grab my laptop out of my bag and put it on the tray in front of me. I open up the word document and just stare at it for a few minutes not sure what to write, after a bit i figure out some things that i could talk about and so i wrote them down. 


I got of the plane and grabbed my things, i walked to the pick up area and saw my pops stood by his car, i speed up a little, needing a hug from him. “Hey bambina” he says holding me tight “hi pops” i reply. I message Colby to tell him that ive indeed. 

We get to pops house and he starts making us some food while i print of my stuff ready for court. We eat and talk, i tell him that me and Colby are now official and then i go to bed. 

Heres another chapter for you guys, im really exited to continue to write because i've got loads of new ideas for the story (obviously not going to change the story plot). I hope you enjoyed and if you did please dont forget to vote, love ya xx

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