2. To Love and Die In a One Bedroom Apartment

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The car is a big black Chevy Traverse, I sit in the passenger seat while Caleb drives just a bit too fast. "Slow down." I say, "Jeez how old are you like 50, we're only 5 miles over the speed limit."

"I'm seventeen." I say.

"Twenty-one." He says.

I focus on his sexy sideways grin as he revs the engine. "Ugh..." I groan. I close my eyes and fade into sleep listening to his melodic laugh.


I wake to sound of car alarms, I'm in a bed. Not mine. The sheets are patterned with strange zigzagging black lines and the comforter in straight black. I look around, the window is covered in cruddy white blinds and the walls are dull beige. The floor covered in a pale carpet. I hear a whine at my side and find Taz looking anxiously for breakfast. The room is barren aside form the bed a closet at its side spilling of dirty clothes. I stand and find the clothes from yesterday on my body, untouched.

Protect... The word still echo's through my mind. I lied. I didn't tell the truth. I'm a liar. This is a bad lie. The whole situation is a bad joke. The kind you shake your head at and laugh at the stupidity.

I walk, the carpet hard and walked on beneath my feat. I walk out into the living room and find Caleb asleep on the couch. He looks peaceful, beautiful. I want to reach out and touch him. Feel the plains of his chest, the hard edges of solid muscle, the softness of his full, kissable lips, the feeling of ease.

I look around, the couches are mismatched of red and blue, and the coffee table, like its been through the ringer a few to many times. And the TV sits on a stand meant for something far smaller.

The kitchen and dinning room lack a table and two lonely stools sit push against an island. The cabinets are a shining birch the counter top is pale granite, white appliance unused and clean. I check the fridge, monster and coffee beans. The cabinets are empty apart from granola bars. I look at Caleb, still fast asleep.

I look around for my backpack, nothing, must be in the truck. I stare out the window and find a black Chevy Traverse sitting right by the entrance to the apartment building. Caleb's keys sit alone on the counter. I grab the keys and walk silently out the door.

The door numbers read 4..., forth floor. Caleb's apartment is 4-815. I find an exit and walk to the car, retrieving my bag quickly, and heading back upstairs. When I walk in I find Caleb with a frantic expression.

His eyes find me and he practically runs to me, taking me into his arms. For a moment I'm just plain shocked. "Holy shit! I thought you were gone." He says his lips breathy in my ear.

"So?" I give him a weird, curious look pushing him back. He gathers himself quickly.

He says nothing, just looks at me with face that says, 'really'. "Oh that's cute, you were worried about me." I say smiling. I hold out his keys and he takes them.

"I have to go to work." He says when I walk away digging though my bag.

I look at Taz. He needs food. I find my wallet in my bag and hold it up to Caleb.

"Taz needs food." I say gesturing to Taz who's ears are perked at the sound of his name.

"I'll get it, I don't want your money." He says. "What kind?" I look at him with an expression that says 'does it matter'.

"I don't want the dog shitting on my floor." He says, oh. He seems angry a certain irritation in his voice.

"Pedigree, adult." I say.

"Kay I'll be back by five."

I see now that he's already dressed and ready to go. I glance around the room.

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