10. Lets Play a Game

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"Please stop." I say. He has been avoiding eye contact with me for a solid hour, and now he won't stop tapping his knuckles on the fricken nightstand. Is it really not enough that he won't look at me, now he has to sit on the floor, punching the goddamn nightstand?

His hand drops to his lap. And he stares ahead at TV screen watching closely as Spongebob and Patrick jellyfish.

The first time I ever saw Spongebob was when I was ten. And I wasn't supposed to see it. I had to go work on science project with a girl named Sydney and her brother was watching it in the living room. So this only the second time I've ever seen it.

I stand up and cross the room to the luggage cart, pulling bags off in disarray until I find the one I'm looking for. "I'm going to bring this back downstairs." I say.

As I'm about to drag it out the door when Caleb crosses to me and gives me a look that could only mean "no". He steps out the door and the lock clicks behind him.

"No, don't bother Quinn, I'd love to do that for you. Hey, by the way, remember when we made out in the elevator? Pretend that never happened." I begin muttering to myself as I look through the TV guide until I find a news station.

The weather man is talking about a storm coming in tonight. Great, that'll help me sleep. Yeah, right. I start digging through my bag for the swimsuits Caleb picked up when he got the dresses. He picked out three like the dresses, each varying in size, color, and modesty. The first is a one piece, straight black that leaves anything below the shoulders and above the Netherlands left to the imagination. The second is a yellow, polka-dot tankini, haha Caleb you're so funny. The last is a deep, blood red bikini that must be at least two sizes to small. Bingo. I strip my clothes and tie myself into the bikini which, surprise, surprise, is too small. I walk to the bathroom and examine myself in the mirror. I don't know about the male population, but I'd do me. This is a man's world, but it wouldn't mean nothing without a woman or a girl.


I can't believe I did that. Why did I do that? Oh wait, thats right, I'm in love with a seventeen-year-old and she told me I'm her favorite thing. Which I still think sounds sexual on so many levels. I had to get out of that room. Even if I was just for a second. I need a cold shower or a fucking ice bath. Jesus.

When I get back to the room I slide my key card through and the door clicks unlocked. When I walk in the first thing I see is her panties and her bra. And all of her clothes. Just not her.

They're draped carelessly over the white comforter of the bed. "Fuck me." I mutter.

I hear the bathroom door click and Quinn steps out. A whole lot of Quinn. I can feel my jaw lock and my whole body tighten, that bikini is NOT her size. Her breasts are held high and prominent, firm and round and almost entirely exposed. Her midriff is tight and strong and... tempting. The bloody red tone of her swim suit sets her viridescent eyes alight.

"Where are you going?" I ask, forcing my eyes up and my voice to stay level.

"Pool." She says pulling her hair over her left shoulder. Her eyes narrow as if she can see right through my facade. She steps closer, her eyes burning pools of fire and depth.

"You can't..." I start.

"Stop me." She finishes. She's challenging me. She's looking at me as if we're both reaching for the same piece of pizza and the idea is not to share. She shoves a thick white towel into my hands and walks out the door. Carefully casting her own towel over her right shoulder as her hips sway out of view and the door slams closed hiding all it's treasures behind it.

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