2) the Long Work

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It took a couple of days, but they eventually found the rest of Wayne's body.

They took the body back to the lab of the submarine.

Then they started the long process of giving Jackson and Dan robot halves, Zak's head getting stitched back together and onto his neck, Greg getting a robotic arm, and Wayne getting a mechanical visor.

It took three hours to sucessfully stitch Zak back together.

"I can't believe you may be able to do this!" Exclaimed Ethan.

"I do much more than mess around with electronics," Fred explained to Ethan.

Then it took the rest of the day to put on a visor where Wayne's eyes used to be.

Then three weeks past and they made a robotic arm for Greg.

Fred's birthday was getting closer when they finished Greg.

He would be 17.

The rest of the month past and they were almost done with Jackson.

They finished him on that May.

Then they decided they should get Dan done really quick so he would be done at the next few weeks.

Then they were finished.

Then when they got back in the submarine, they put the cyborgs in a special room. Then they put the cyborgs into sleep mode for now.

Fred and Ethan went to their rooms.

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