9) Zak's Story

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Zak told them about what happened before.

Jackson and the others agreed to help him if anyone tried to hurt Zak.

Zak spoke up. "He protecc. He attacc...."

Jackson finished for him. "But most importantly, if you don't shut up, he'll break your bacc. You know, before anyone else can."

Damien and the group showed up. Doggo was mad because they woke him up unintentionally, and he bit Damien's crotch.


Jackson smirked. "I mean, it's funny, but if this keeps up, we'll get book-cancelled from the book network, probably. Then again, he is very deserving of it...."

Damien threw the dog away (not in the trash, don't worry). "Where's Xanthus?"

"I know where Xanthus is." Fred answered.

"Good, where is he?"

"He's where he is." 

Zak and Fred high fived.

Damien grabbed them by the necks and threw them away (yes, this time in the trash. Jk).

Damien walked away. "Well, if Xanthus isn't here, we best be going."

Xanthus jumped down from the ceiling where he was hiding and landed on Damien. "Then you won't be going, will you?"

The two fought for a bit.

Then Zak asked them a question. "Why do you hate each other?"

Xanthus looked off into space.

Damien just mumbled.

"What was that?" Zak asked.

"I said, he's my ex."

"Oh, that's it? Well, we can fix this with a song!" Zak began to sing but was then interrupted.

"Shut up, this isn't gonna be some dumb PBS kids show."

Xanthus spoke up, too. "Yeah, shut up, Zak." Then he realized what he said. "Hey, don't say that about my boyfriend!"

Zak realized what Xanthus just said. "I'm your what?"

Xanthus turned around. "Uh, nothing."

Greg sighed. "This is why I hate gay people. They always get into fights. I would never be gay if my life depended on it."

Jackson turned around. "Ahem, Justin Timberlake, ahem."

Greg looked back at him. "That's just one person!"

"Ahem, don't forget Freddie Mercury, ahem, don't forget about him."

Greg sighed. "Touché."

Fred gave 10 dollars to Jackson. "Damn! I thought he was straight! Now I lost in a bet and my money I was saving for GTA 6."

Jackson turned to him. "You can't play that, it's rated M! I, however, can, and I will use the money for the game."

Fred mocked him. "yOu CaN't PlAy ThAt, It'S rAtEd M!"

Fred and Jackson started to fight.

Bart walked up to Zak. "So.... you single?"

"What? No! I mean, yes! I mean, I don't know! I don't keep track of that!"

P.S. this should be renamed "The Gayest Chapter In The History Of Project Unfinished".

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