7) the Paranormal Squad

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Zak went back out during night to buy some fake blood from Wal-Mart. When he was returning, he walked into an alleyway because he thought he heard something. "Hello?"

A shadowy figure jumped at him.

He blacked out.


"...and now presenting to you, Zak Crechokurzak, or however you pronounce it."

Zak woke up and heard that. "What the..." he thought.

The guy from earlier turned around and looked at him. "And it seems our bounty has awaken."

"W-w-where am I? Bounty? What bounty?"

"It doesn't matter where you are. And the bounty is you. You are worth 500,000,000 dollars. You became wanted when you became a vampire. What do you know about Xanthus?"

"Wait, who's Xanthus? Oh, wait, I remember now. He's, like, 678 years old or something. He's 5 foot 5 inches tall, and he's one of my best friends along with three others."

"And is one of these others named Ochard Satuman?"


The shadowy figure pulled down his hood.

Zak gasped. "It's you! Wait, who are you?"

"I'm Damien Satuman, Ochard's cousin!"

"Oh. Well nice seeing ya. I'm gonna leave now." He tried to walk inside the cage he was in and see if it could move across the room and tilt. It didn't work.

"Well, I'll introduce you to the rest of us. The phantom over there is Desmond, over there is Scott the archangel, the werewolf is Wolfram, and the guy over there making macaroni in the microwave is Bartholomew."


"And the ghost is Adrian."

Bart looked up at Damien. "That's not a ghost, that's my dog. You just dressed him up in a...."

"Quiet, you fool! He's not supposed to know that!"

Zak looked at them. He was spacing out until just now. "What am I not supposed to know?"

Bart answered. "That the code to escape the cage and our hideout is 75832."

Damien looked back at Bart. "You idiot! You're not supposed to tell him that either! It's fine, I guess. It's not like he'd..." He turned around. Zak was gone.

"....remember the code......"

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