4) Xanthus

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"So that's what happened," Wayne said.

"Yep," Fred answered.

After breakfast, everyone did at least something.

Fred, Ethan, Wayne, and Greg played a video game.

Jackson and Dan watched the game while sitting together.

Zak asked someone if they could record the game for him.

Then Jackson asked, "Why?"

"Because I'm going out somewhere."

"I'll drive you up to the surface," Fred said.

After they got the surface, Zak went out for a walk. It was fine until he bumped into someone. They both fell over.

"Oh I'm sorry..." Zak said.

He stopped talking because he looked at the person.

They were wearing an umbrella over their head.

"Uh okay," Zak said weirded out.

"Uh I've gotta go," the person said in their Romanian accent.

"Wait don't go," Zak said.

Zak brought the person back to the submarine.

When they got in the front, Fred was listening to Christian rock.

The person hissed and ran away.

Zak ran after them. "Are you okay?"


"By the way I'm Zak."

"My name is Xanthus."

Zak snorted, "Well that doesn't really sound like a real name."

"That's because I'm a vampire." Xanthus said.

"Oh. That would explain the hissing. AND the accent. AND the umbrella." Zak said. It seemed as though it just now sank in what Xanthus just said. "Wait, you're a vampire?"

"Uh yeah, I just said that."

"TURN ME NOW!" Zak screamed.

"Uh okay," Xanthus said, getting close to Zak.

Zak said one more thing, "Okay you have to do it like how Nadja did it to Jenna."

Xanthus rolled his eyes because this was how all humans were turned.

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