Chapter 4

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This is the double update. Please vote 🥹

Please read the previous chapter first !

I have published chapter 3 and 4 today !

Jai's POV

"We have to do the operation now" I said looking at Om.

He nods and we took the patient to the emergency ward. He just faced an accident, while doing the construction work, he slipped from the top floor and with a thug he fell on the ground. Even a rod went in his leg.

His family is crying miserably as he is the only support for his children, who take care of them. His wife died while delivering the 3rd child.

How do I know?

Actually I am doctor of my own Village, of my own clinic which I have set up here in Haryana itself. All thanks to my Father that he let me study medical for which he even sent me to another city.

I will tell more about myself later or you might get to know by time itself. I have an operation to do right now and I didn't answer you..aa I know everyone in this village and vice versa.

"Om Cotton" I said and he passed me that and continued to do his work.

We gave him anaesthesia and then began the operation.

Sweat beads began to form upon my head looking at the critical condition. As a doctor you have to be heartless along with a heart. Heartless because you won't be able to operate if you will cut or do anything with your patients. Along with heart because as I said "your Patients" this is how they become our family , family for another family.


I sigh and look at Om.

Removing our masks and head wear we hug eachother.

It's very rare that we get such complicated cases and when we get, we give our hundred percent to save the person.

My dream is to built up a hospital in my village, not just one but three atleast with less fees because many people don't get proper treatment in government hospitals, also talking about people as well they don't come to hospitals if anything happens to them, they rely on home remedies and visit hospitals only even if the problems are serious.

In simple, sometimes they don't want to waste money on medicines, which they can use to buy food for their family.

"Let's give them good news" I said breaking the hug.

We come out of the operation theatre and Raju Kaka's Eldest daughter gets up while crying.

"Jai Bhaiya Om Bhaiya Baba kaise hain? (Jai Bhaiya how my father?)" She asked holding my hands.

"Vidya tumhare Baba thik hain ( Vidya your Father is alright now)" I said holding her hands tightly.

She smiles "Mai, Mai mil sakti hoon unse?(can, Can I meet him?)"

I shook my head "Nahi, abhi nhi Vidya (No not now Vidya)"

"Toh Kab Bhaiya? (So when Bhaiya?)" she asked

"Later on when he will gain consciousness" Om said "Now take rest"


I came back to the big haveli . It's basically a joint family in which I live with my parents my grandparents including my father.
I have one elder sister Ritika(34) and she have a daughter Niharika (5) and son Tej(3).
I have one more sister younger to me.
Bani (23) she is studying Architecture and as her summer breaks have started she will be back after sometime.

The Modern Desi Pyaar !Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora