Chapter 22

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Vishakha's POV

"Parth Am I doing the right thing?" I asked while talking with him on the call.

"Yes Vishakha Absolutely, plus it's the best thing anyone can think of"

"I know Parth but I don't know, I am feeling something is missing. I am all prepared but still something is left"

"That you will get to know by time that what is left, what is missing"

"Hmm You are right"

"Vishakha take a deep breath please, relax, believe in yourself"

I take a deep breath "Done"

"Feeling better?"

"Much better" I smile

"Toh now tell me about your Desi boy"

"Desi boy?"

"Yes ! Jai ! The one about whom you talk daily"

"Jai, that idiot. And I don't talk about him daily plus he is not mine"

He chuckled "hunh ! I love the way you lie"

"Shut up Parth"

"Is he this bad that you hate him? Why don't you guys say sorry and move on from this stupid fights"

"No ! I won't say sorry to him plus he is so Bad. He deserves my hate" I said folding my arms(call is on the laptop) "also he didn't return my phone"

He laughs.

"There is nothing to laugh about"

"It's so Tom and Jerry Story"

I roll my eyes.

"Stop it Parth"

His Laugh comes under control and then he says " okay, Sorry"

"Hmm Now tell me about Kriti! How is she?"

"Aaa well, she is better than before just a little better. Her case is very complicated Vish. She did share a bit, but not enough for me to help her out. Whenever I meet her, she is in her own thoughts all the time. Expression less. Like all the emotions in her have died"

"Has she told anything about her close ones?"

"No, but Even when someone tries to make her laugh or smile. She doesn't. Maybe my first step should be 'To Make her smile'"

"Hmm even I think so. You have to know her Better Parth"

"Yes and it's a really difficult task"

"Especially when the girl is beautiful"


I giggle "what wait? Isn't she beautiful?"

"No she"

"She is not?"

"She is but"

"Then what's the problem?"

"Shut up Vish. Bye Go to your Jai"

"He is not mine"

"He will be soon"

"Stop and do your work. Stupid"

"You stupid"

I giggle "bye and take care"

"You too. All the best"

I cut the call and prepare myself for things I have to say but...I don't know what to say.

But what ever I will say, Would be true, the things I do myself, No lies no False hope.

Then there was a knock on the door and it was Ritu "Vishakha Di?"

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