Chapter 59

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Vishakha's POV

We are back home and in this way I thought I would sit with Jai but Dad sat with him on the plane and with me Mom.

In the morning Jai left leaving without disturbing my sleep.

"Okay both of you freshen up and when the cook will come we will have our food" Mom said

I smile and look at Jai and he just shooks his head with a grin.

He gets my luggage in his hand and I hold his bag pack and we go up stairs.

He keeps my bag in my room.

"Here is your bag mam! In your room now give me mine" He said and I shook my head

"Why?" He asks

"Because now I will keep your bag in your room"

"No need you go and freshen up !"

"Not listening to Mr.Grumpy" I say and walk to his room.

I keep his bag on the desk and turn to face him.

"Did I do my job nicely?" I ask

"Yes ! You did the most toughest work so effortlessly"

I grin "thank you" sarcastically

My smile drops and I make a disgusted face turn to leave but he holds my elbow and then holds my waist.

"Let me go!" I say

"No never" he says and captures my lips in a sweet kiss.

I smile in the kiss and hold his face and kiss him back, slowly and lovingly.

We break the kiss and he makes me sit on the table sit holding my waist.

"So!" I say

"So?" He raises his brows

"Should we just go with the flow in our life's then?" I ask him

"Yup ! And let's enjoy this love, bachelor love" He pecks my lips.

"That we will do but what if we will get caught infront of my parents?" I ask him looking at his neck

"Then I will Confess that I love you"

I laugh "seriously! Yesterday you were saying that we have to wait for the right time and now you are saying you will confess!"

"That's because my dear I will also ask for time for marriage and also I will be shifting a flat tomorrow"

"Wait! What?"

"Ummm Vishakha actually"

"Why didn't you tell me yesterday?"

"Because I took this decision this morning"

"But why Jai?" I make a sad face

He holds my face and say "Vishakha it's important for both of us and even Uncle and Aunty will not feel uncomfortable"

"How uncomfortable?"

"Vishakha! When we will talk to them they will definitely think that something happened between us and leave that also they will think that under their roof I was doing something with their daughter! I don't want that impression in front of my future in laws"

"But if we love each other than these things happen! They will understand they are mature enough"

"I know Vishakha but it's me and how my parents have taught me. I can stay but the values I have been given I break them unless they are wrong. Like Baani or anyone wearing short dresses! It was not allowed but That was to be broken as it was like a barrier to her ! On the choices she can make"

I nod understanding "fine" I play with his button "but you won't change the hospital right?"

He smiles "no ! There should be one place to be with you and Romance"

"Oh Thank God"

I hug him and he caress my hairs.



"I think we should freshen up so that we can have food and rest for some time"

I nod "just 5 minutes"


I wake up in the night after the food and I slept really badly.

I get up and it's 11pm.

I saw Mom and Dad slept already and my food is covered on the dining table. I smile.

I take my Food and Knock at Jai's Room.

He opens the door "finally you woke up"

"Yup! And now I will have food in your room" I get in and sit on the bed

He smiles.

"What were you doing?" I ask before eating

"I was studying my patients report" he said and I nod and continue eating.

I eat while looking at him read the files.

He is so determined for his work, family, values.
I know he fight's but that point will be counted as our love language.

He is such a Grumpy Sweet Man. Caring, smart, handsome, hot, sexy, and his acts are way more sexy, I would have died yesterday witnessing it.

His eyes ! What do I say, they are just Uff !!

I never knee that I will fall on love with a man wearing kurta all the time and so Desi !

Do you guys know before Jai I usee to think that I will be marrying some foreign boy, but see ! The opposite have happened.

After finishing my food, drinking water and washing my hands, I lock the door and directly go to him and close his file and sit on his laps and kiss him with all love.

We move our lips in sync and he hold's me like a doll, softly.

We slowly lay on the bed without breaking the kiss. I open his kurta buttons and leave his lips.

I kiss his neck slowly and move down to his chest and he holds me tightly.

He turns me around and captures my lips. We kiss lightly and making light voices.

I was getting so aroused.

He then kiss my jaw and I breath from my mouth and hold him tightly.

He then kisses my neck and butterflies titter. I was feeling ticklish and very nice, as If I am melting.

He was assaulting my neck and I was enjoying it, I know how badly he is controlling not to go over that as he is sucking my skin so hard.

"Ahhha Jai"

He then comes back to my lips and into a long kiss we sleep into each other's arm without saying a word.


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