Chapter 6

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This is the double update of today !

And the last double update you can say because then i am getting busy.

I have published ch 5 and 6 today!

Request- please Comment 🥹 just like u like to read the story I love to read your comments!

Jai's POV

I close my Clinic and take my Jeep to Om's house.

Om is my childhood buddy, we didn't study in the same college as we got admission in different ones but this didn't came as a hindrance between our friendship.

When ever I need him, he is always there with me. Sometimes we do get into some small argument which is common in friendship and it's just on small issues.

I can never be angry with him. I trust him more than anyone in this world. He is just like my brother. We share a very strong bond.

We have even tried to hook up each other with the girls in other city where we were studying, be it our friend or any random girl talking to us, we never leave a chance to tease each other. He is a orthopaedic surgeon by the way.

Every house in the village is behind our marriage, when will be both get married and all but we both just walk away.

I reached his house and blow the horn 3 times while shouting his name "Om, Om, Om Bahar aa (Om come out)"

"Aaya"(coming) He shouts.

Aunty opens the door.

"Namaste Aunty" I say "Om?"

"Namaste Jai beta, he is just coming, he is wearing clothes" She said and then behind her I saw Om walking out with a smile.

I jump out of the Jeep and we both hug each other.

Btw He works in a hospital in Delhi, occasionally he comes to the village. Like for one month or so, he visits different States of India to learn more.

"So what happened?" He asked breaking the hug

"Actually I have to go and pick up someone from the railway station"

"But you did go in the morning right?"

"Yup but they were uncle and Aunty, now I have to go and pick up their daughter"

"Oh daughter!! Our age?" He wiggled his eyebrows

I looked behind if aunty was there but she wasn't.

"I don't know about that!"

He chuckles "okay but what's her name?"

"Her name is" I paused

"Her name is?"

I look here and there "I don't know"


"I don't know, Papa didn't tell me"

Om began to laugh "Then idiot How will you know whom to pick up"

"Maybe she might know my name?"

"What if even she doesn't?"

"Aa well, I think I have to call my Father"

I call my Father "Hello?"

"Hello, Papa, I was asking that what is her name"

"Her name?"

"Her, the one I am going to pick up"

"Her name is Vish"


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