Chapter 56

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Vishakha's POV

(Wedding day)

Jai ! The only person who has been in my mind all this time, when I look at Bhaviksha and Aarav, How sweet and perfect they look with each other, when I look at other couple's, I wanted Jai to be with me.

I also want to show the people that there is a boy who even though fights with me a lot but he loves me a lot more than that. Atleast he doesn't fake's out when he is angry, at least he apologises when he realises his mistake. He supports me and because of him only Tarana got fired from the Job.

Though for him his job and dream are first but I also know that if he loves me, than he would never compromise his love for me or keep me aside.

I miss his hug, his touch, the kiss! But the last kiss before at the terrace, that was so pure in love, I still can't forget the feeling, the tingling I felt that time.

I do regret walking away like that without answering him but my mind was just blank at that moment, I couldn't think properly.

Still even after his sorry, I feel like I should know something or I am missing something. I have forgiven him but something is bother me and I don't know what and why!

I love him, I love him a lot not denying but still maybe I want to know, I want him to tell what was the reason behind him stealing the money.

Okay he didn't steal it but took the money and someone gave him a promise I understand but at least he could have informed me. I know he told me that I would have helped him which he didn't wanted but still at least that he could have told me that I didn't stole it, I did this for some reason.

Now next time I will meet him, I will tell him everything which is bothering me. Which I expect from him, a little trust on me just like he want's.

But again in this overthinking I began to love him even more.

Shared it with Bhaviksha and  one day and this is what she said


"Vishakha! It's not his fault all over. Why didn't you go back to him and confront him?" She asked

"Because I was hurt and he was avoiding me after that"

"You know Vishakha, once me and Aarav went for a date and that day we got so much involved, i mean intimated while umm"

I smile and then she said "okay you understood, so then a point came when I had to stop him by raising my voice slightly. He was shivering Vishakha. He was not able to even wear his shirt that time, I asked bim if he was okay but he did say yes but he wasn't, then he began to avoid me atleast for a week he didn't came to college do you remember?"

I nod

"That's because he felt he was forcing himself on me. I couldn't take it, his avoidance and I confronted him and when I got to knew about it, I fell more in love with him. That time I really wanted to just to marry him then and there"

I smiled and said "I thought you will say sex but never mind"

She giggled with a blush "yes I wanted to but here I was trying to be a bit you know...Innocent"

We laughed

Then she said "so I am trying to say that, something at that time was bothering Aarav and if I would have not gone to him, I would have never known that. If he was ignoring me it was affecting it and in the same way When Jai was ignoring you it was affecting you, so you should have gone and again asked him because maybe at that time he was dealing with his own problem, he was unable to tell you"

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