Chapter 57

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Double update guys !

Vishakha's POV

"I am Ritika ! Jai's Elder sister" She said and got shocked

"Oh, H..hello Didi" I said feeling a bit awkward, but what is she doing here?

"Hi, it's nice meeting you, I didn't knew I would find you here"

"Me too umm if you don't mind can I ask if you are from groom side or bride?"

She smiles "I am from Jai's Side !"


"Yes ! He told me he is coming to Delhi and I wanted to meet him so he told me to come here and your parents also agreed to that and he even wanted to meet Niharika and Tej ! My kids"

I smile "that's nice ! Where are they?"

"With your father having some food" she smiled

We both stay quiet for a while then she says "Vishakha can we talk for a while?"

"Yes sure"

"Some where else please"

"Umm to room where the bride got ready?"

She nods and I walk with her to the room.

We sit on the chairs and she says "I know Jai loves you"

I look at her.

"He has told me very about you. He, he so in love with you...the man whom I have never seen crying after her friends death has cried for you, cried in the fear of lossing you"

I listen to her carefully

"I know you are angry at him, upset but Vishakha it was not his fault" she holds my hand


She nods and her eyes became moist "it's my fault"

I was unable to say anything, I was just waiting to hear.

"Actually, my husband he...he was torturing me  and my kids. My in laws, they used to hit me with bats and what not. They were so greedy for money that" she began to cry and I immediately side her "that they even sold my Niharika!"

I just couldn't believe what I am listening to.

"They sold it to my father in laws best friend! My husband and in laws were demanding jewels and money even which was at my house and only then I could have had my daughter back from that lustful man" she sobbed

"So Jai took it to give it to them?" I asked

She shook her head "earlier Jai didn't knew anything even about the torture nor anyone in our family. I didn't wanted to tell them the family I have been married to is very toxic. In the beginning it was good. After my son was born, they became so direct in asking money! My husband began to come drunk and he also had some lipstick marks on his shirts"

I rub her back as she was shivering " He was cheating on me ! When I confronted him he beat me alot. I did try to go to the police but they used to caught me, they didn't let me talk to my parents nor my kids and even visited with me to my house whenever I used to go for vacations....but then when they sold my daughter I had to do something. So I called Jai"

I gulp ready to hear everything after hearing a very harsh story.

"He was shocked. He was ready to kill them but then I told him what they want and they can harm my Tej. So he came up with a plan not he, actually Inspector Rohit Shah at the end moment. When Jai stole the jewels and money he was ready to give it to them directly and that's why he came
Immediately without saying you Bye. I took a promise from him that not to tell all this to anyone that's he didn't inform you anything Vishakha"

" Jai wanted to but I said no, I didn't wanted to take chance. Jai even took his saving form the back but on the way when he was coming to me he met inspector Rohit by chance and Jai told him everything. He said he must give them the duplicates of the jewels and money as there is no garantee that even after having they money they won't harm the kids and me. Inspector Rohit helped us a lot. No money was lost my kids were back to me. I thought of staying in a NGO but Jai brought me back home but then I shifted to Delhi as I got a job and a small apartment! Everyone protested but I wanted to be independent.
I had no choice Vishakha but to tell them everything and even about the money which Jai took for me"

Tears drop from my eyes "My daughter, thank god that bastard didn't rape or do anything to him, Jai and Rohit sir saved her on right time. I am sorry Vishakha! Because of me Jai became Harsh on you but..what could he have done? He was already very furious l, disturbed, stress he found this aa the right way to keep the things secret from you. I told him to tell you the truth but he was very ashamed of himself and even I was. I wanted to tell you but I had no Courage. I am so sorry"

I hug her as she was crying so badly "please forgive My Jai. He is innocent Vishakha. He was just helping me"

I rub her tears as well as mine "please don't cry di ! You have cried a lot. Now no more crying!" I smile

"And Jai?"

"Don't worry but just don't tell him that you told me everything! I will tell him myself"

"You forgive him?"

I smile "I love him and now more than ever"

She stood up and hugs me tightly "Thank you so much Vishakha and sorry again"

"Please Di! Don't say sorry it was not your fault nor Jai's! I should be the one who could understand him properly! How I couldn't understand the reason behind him ignoring me"

She broke the hug "he really love you ! You know when he sleeps, he holds your white Duppatta and mumble's your name"

My heart wrecked! I was the one hurting him alot ! Not him.


We came back rubbing our tears.

I met the kids but now my eyes were searching for Jai.

Where are you Jai?

I stood beside Divya watching Bhaviksha leaving her parents.

Our eyes became moist and we all were in tears.

She left and her parents were crying so badly and Rahul was handling them.

I saw Varun glancing at Divya and Was Divya doing the same.

I sigh and go to Varun and take him to the terrace as I have planned something! (You can read it in there book !)

I came back down and went to find My Jai and there he was with my parents!

I got to them and saw Ritika Di wasn't there. I look at Jai he was looking at me and I smile at him and he didn't react.

"Where is Ritika Di?" I asked

"She went to her apartment" mom said and I nod looking back at Jai.

"Shall we leave?" Dad asked

"Now to Mumbai?"

He chuckled "no to the hotel we have booked a room for you as well"

I smile and nod.

So it is the hotel I will be talking to Mr.Grumpy.


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