Chapter 62

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Sexy chapter ahead ‼️‼️🔥

Vishakha's POV

He takes me near the sea and I saw 4 words with some letter's missing in between written on the sand.

"What is it written?" I ask

"You have to guess ! Have you ever played hang man?"


"Then you know how it goes. Guess a alphabet and if it is there in the word I will write it on the blank space where it should be or else I will start drawing hearts with the stick and you will have maximum 5 chance to guess"

"But you should make hangman right?"

"I am not so good in drawing Vishakha"

"Okay and if I will lose?"

"Then nothing I will give you a hickey on your neck which you can't hide from anyone"

"Are serious?"

"Yes My love"

"And what if I win?"

"Then I am going to give you hickey near your heart where you kept the keys ! tonight!" My stomach gets tied in a knot and I feel goosebumps

"Aaa okay"

In both the things I will enjoy.

"Let's begin?" He ask and I nod.

"Okay first word and your first guess !"

I look at the word

_E_ _TT_ RO _

"What is this Jai I can't get it!"

"Try ! Guess first"

"Umm P?"

"No!" He draw one heart and write P in it.



He goes and Write A beside E


I smile "next Guess!" He says

"Aa I?"

He makes a heart and write I


He again makes a heart and write L

"Jai I am unable to guess"

"Can't help it's a game"

I pout and he chuckles "don't tempt me to kiss you write now."

I close my eyes and bit my lips.


He goes and Write H


Okay it does make something now!


He writes R as well


Then I get it and I jump "okay okay I got it ! Heartthrob!"

"Right" He says and clap my hands in joy "yyesss!"

Then he rubs all the hearts and then I guess the second word.

_L_ _G_ _ C _

Okay what is this word !

"Umm O?"

He makes a heart


He again makes a heart

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