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"Dylan" she yelled out immediately.

I laughed, bringing Lily to her playroom, setting her up with my phone so it would distract her from whatever the Fuck this was.

"Shit- Tate" Dylan cussed the minute we made eye contact, boxers his only piece of clothing.

"I didn't think you'd be home-" "well I am" I mumbled out, staring between the two of them.

I knew I couldn't say much, because I'd have to pay for it after, but I honestly had no clue what to do.

"We were just-" "fucking." Dylan cut off Claire.

"Clearly." I spoke slowly.

"Well I'm sorry- it's nice to have sex with someone who wants to have sex and isn't crying throughout the entire thing!" Dylan instantly yelled, clearly shocking Claire.

"How long has this been going on?" I was able to keep my calm.

They looked between each other.

"A few months." Claire spoke, shamefully.

I laughed out.

"So what? On the night you forced me to have sex with you, she didn't put out enough?" I felt a tear fall down my cheek.

"Stop." Dylan spoke firmly.

"Let's talk about the nights that you beat the shit out of me for no reason, was that anger directed at her and I was just luckily there to take it?" I cried to him.

"Tate- I know you're hurt but I'm warning you." He spoke firmly.

"I can't fucking believe you." I laughed out.

"I do so much- I put up with so fucking much-" I was stopped by him shoving me against the wall, a firm hand to my throat.

But at this point, I was convinced, I had lost it.

"Fucking kill me!" I screamed to him as he held me by my throat

"Show your little fucking girlfriend what it's like to date you" I managed to choke out as he cut off my oxygen.

Just as I gasped for another breath, I heard Claire.

"Dylan- Dylan, please stop" She was screaming and crying

"Leave her- you and I can go off and do what we've been planning" I felt his grip loosen, allowing me to breathe.

Before I knew it, he let me go, my body dropping to the floor.

"Get only Lily's necessities and then get the Fuck out my house."

I finally caught my breathe and I ran for it.

I packed as much of Lily's stuff as I could grabbing it and my phone.

"Stop." He spoke as I got to the door, finally convinced- it was time for me to go

"Phone." He demanded.

I threw it at him.

It hit the wall behind him and I heard him instantly cursing, but I was out of the door.

I walked with lily to the nearest store, when it hit me.

I had no way to contact anyone.

I didn't even know Luke's actual address to get a taxi.

I was stranded.

I could walk, but it was probably miles away.

But I didn't have any cash
I didn't have any debit or credit card
No purse
No vehicle
No food or water

I simply had my baby and a shit ton of her clothes and toys.

So, I did my only option

I started walking.

Soon the walk was dreadful.

I was dying of thirst, giving Lily a water that I convinced a man at a store to buy me, making sure she stayed hydrated.

I felt like I was only a few miles away from their house, but it was taking so long and I could see the dark storm clouds coming closer and closer.

Once it started sprinkling I put on a raincoat I had conveniently grabbed, zipping Lily into it and I kept walking, shielding her from as much of the rain as I could.

And before I knew it, it was pouring


"Someone get the door!" I yelled, trying for the fifth time to call Tate, knowing it was past the time for her husband to head to work, she should be answered.

I was worried.

The doorbell rang again.

"Pieces of shit" I cursed to my roommates, heading to the door.

I opened it and was greeting with a soaking wet Tate, holding a drenched bag and a surprisingly dry Lily.

"Luke!" Lily immediately yelled out, more than excited.

"Lily!" I yelled back, matching her excitement as I took her into my arms.

"If it's okay, I think we will take you up on your offer- just until we can get on our own feet." Tate spoke quietly.

What broke you?

"Absolutely." I answered, wanting nothing but to hug her.

I ran upstairs with them, giving Tate time to shower and change into dry clothes as I entertained Lily, watching her active imagination play.

Soon Tate came out, smothered in my clothes.

But I couldn't help but notice huge bruises around her neck.
A horrible sunburn on her cheeks, I'm sure my shirt covering more of it.
Blood blisters from crying under her eyes, onto her cheeks.

She sat on the floor beside me.

I gently touched the spot on her neck.

"Yeah" she exhaled quietly.

"Are you going to press charges?" I asked her slowly.

"Can we talk about this all tomorrow? Today is just too fresh" she spoke slowly, making me nod.

"Let's go get you some aloe Vera on this sunburn so you don't blister." I told her.

"Yeah- it's on my arms too." She mumbled.

We ran downstairs, her holding Lily on her hip.

"Michael!" Lily screamed out, knowing he was her favorite.

"You're back!?" Michael yelled, instantly taking her from Tate.

"For good." I smiled happily, proud to have gotten my way.

"Just until we can get on our feet and get our own place." Tate compromised, making me roll my eyes.

Michael instantly took Lily to the living room, starting a game with her as I took Tate upstairs.

"Do you want to do it?" I asked her, although I already had it on my hands, fully prepared to do it myself until I considered the situation.

"You can do it" she spoke quietly.

She closed her eyes as I gently rubbed it over the red parts of her cheek before moving to the red parts of her arms, asking if anything else hurt her.

She didn't respond at first

"Something else hurt?" I asked again, touching her chin gently to make her look to me

"My heart"

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