thirty two

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before lukes pov

I parked that car, trying to talk to a very upset Lily.

Once i opened the backdoor and saw the state she was in, i knew imemdiately why she was crying

"Im sticky!" She screamed to me, what appears to have been chocolate milk coating her entire upper body- even her hair.

"What happened my baby?" I hate to admit it, but i was laughing as i picked her up.

"I was trying to take a sip and Luke grabbed me and made me spill!" She continued to scream through her cries, clearly angry.

"Well- Mikey is going to make it all better."

As i anxiously waited to hear from the guys on the status of Tate, i took Lily into the attendings showers, making sure there was no one else in there before i quickly showered her, getting all of the sticky milk off of her skin and hair.

I dressed her in one of my big t shirts, not having any other clothes to put her in, but not being worried about it because the shirt was so big on her that you couldnt see anything besides her head.

I carried her to my office, sitting her on my desk and talking to her.

"Is mommy okay?" She asked me quietly.

"Im sure mommy is fine" i spoke, praying in my head that she would be- i know she glance i got of her- she was breathing but around her lips aas turning blue, so she definitely was losing her airway.

After about thirty minutes of entertaining Lily, Ashton came in with a smile.

"Shes okay, just allergic to almonds- we are working on discharging her now if you guys want to come."

I carried Lily to the ER, walking in the assigned room, immediately confused Luke

"Why is her hair wet-" "she was covered in chocolate milk." I managed to not laugh, because i knew she was still mad.

"You made me spill my chocolate milk!" She fussed at him instantly before reaching for Tate, who took her immediately, laughing lightly as she did.

Tate still had a blue tint around her lips, but i could tell she felt so much better already.

"Im so sorry lovebug, mommy was just hurt and that scared me so i grabbed you a little too quick." Luke explained to her, but her attention was already focused on Tate's wrap from where her IV was.

"Got a poke?" She asked, tilting her head, being majorly adorable.

"A little one, yes."


To say the least, this definitely scared the fuck out of Luke.

I mean- of course it scared me, because i couldnt breathe, but Luke was taking every extra precaution before we left.

He made Calum do an allergy test on me to know what else i was allergic to.

He made each of the guys- including himself check my lungs, just to "be sure."

And he kissed me and apologized more times than i can even count.

"Stop apologizing." I apoke to him firmly as he took Lily into his arms, holding my arm to help me stand.

"This wouldve never happened if i hadnt ordered the almond milk-" "baby, i would eventually come into contact with something of the almond variety, i am relieved that this happened while i was with you." I told him firmly, seeing him exhale.

"Well still- in a few weeks i want to get lily an allergy test too- just to be sure."

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