twenty four

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I woke up in Luke's arms, hearing him quietly snoring.

I pulled Lily's sleeping body closer to me, causing her to shift, but her snuggle more into me.

Just as i closed my eyes, preparing to go back to sleep, i heard a quiet knock from the door before it opened, never waking Luke as i looked quickly, seeing Calum.

"Theres some police here to speak to you." He whispered out, making me slowly nod, sitting up to let him know i was coming.

Without waking Luke or Lily, i climbed my way out of bed, quickly putting a bra and a pair of Luke's sweatpants on, quickly brushing my teeth before making my way downstairs, more than confused as to why police where here to talk to me.

I immediately saw Ashton and Calum talking to two officers who stood in the living room.

"Sorry to wake you." One immediately spoke to me, making me clear my throat.

I crossed my arms over my chest, glancing to everyone.

"Whats going on?" I asked.

"We are investigating the case of your husband and his affair-" "ex husband." I interrupted, seeinf him nod slowly.

"Your ex husband and his previous girlfriend, Claire." He explained.

What did i have to do with their relationship?

"Claire informed us that you had experienced some abuse over the year and a half that you were dating and married to him, can you tell us a little but about that?" He asked.

I felt calum move closer to me, making me look to him.

"I was abused, not much more to tell you." I mumbled out, not wanting to do this at all.

"But you never filed a police report so was it no severe or-" "is this necessary?" Calum instantly interrupted.

I wanted Luke.

"It is- we are trying to get an understanding of Dylans abuse so that we can determine whether Claire acted in self defense or purely murdered him-" "and you have Doctor Cliffords notes, which showed you the medical opinion from after looking at both Dylan and Claire-" "claire has reported to us more than just physical abuse."


I saw her panicking as Calum tried to make the police back off.

I immediately ran upstairs, waking Luke- who was more than confused when i caught him up on what was going on, but stumbled his way downstairs immediately.

We walked right back into the shitshow, Calum arguing with the police.
"No because the only reason we agreed to let you guys do this was if she was going to be able to stay calm, she just got out the hospital last night and you were both more than aware of that." Calum almost yelled at them.

Luke immediately brought Tate into his arms, herself hugging him tightly.

"Okay Tate." One of the officers completely ignored Calum.

"Just answer this for us and we will get out of your hair."

She looked to them, never letting go of Luke

"Based on what Dylan did to you, did you ever think about harming him to the point of death?"

"I feel like my situation doesnt amount to hers- i was with him for over a year and a half, i birthed his child, and he almost killed me on multiple occasions- anything i say will not compete with her experience." She spoke, and she had a good point.

The officer exhaled lightly.

"Well you used to be friends with Claire- do you think shes capable of intentionally murdering someone?" He asked.

"I have no fucking clue, its not my job to give you guys the answer of whether she is guilty or not just because she dated my ex husband. Its not my job period." She spoke firmly.

"I think thats enough questions." Luke spoke firmly before anyone else could say anything.

"Thank you for your time" the least talkative officer spoke, guiding the other out of our house, making everyone look to Tate.

"I didnt know what to say" tate spoke, the tears more than visible as she looked to Luke

"Because Claire told me that, that was the first time he had ever hit her, so i know that she didnt go through more than me, but yet im so confused as to how she was able to hurt him back- so easily- when i fought myself for months because i was too scared to even try."

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