thirty six

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two days later

It was Luke's last night shift and him leaving for it was not going well at all.

I was on my period and I felt horrible.
Lily wanted absolutely nothing to do with me.
Lily was a crying mess, begging Luke to stay or go bring her to 'Mikey'.

I didn't even know what to do.

"Just go baby," I told Luke calmly as I tried to distract Lily's sobbing body, holding her to where she couldn't run to him.

And it seemed just as I got her relaxed- she slapped me straight across the face.

"I don't want you!" She screamed, making me immediately let her go, Luke reacting quickly.

"No, Lily no. We do not hit mommy." He spoke firmly.

I listened to him continue to fuss her, making her start crying as I fought my own tears.

Never in her life had she even hit me,

Not even when she was seeing her dad beat the fuck out of me.

I wiped my tear quickly, standing

"Baby, I'm just going to call in." Luke spoke as Lily ran away, sitting in a corner to cry.

"You're already late, you're going to get in so much trouble-" "baby I don't want to leave you after that." He spoke firmly.

"I don't want you to get in trouble, you told me you had a surgery." I brought up, making him run his fingers through his hair.

"I just- fuck" he was clearly frustrated.

"Just go baby, I promise. I'm okay. I'll handle this, and I'll see you when you get home." I spoke, kissing him gently.

He kissed me once more.

"Just call me if you need and I'll come home- or you can both come to the hospital and sleep in my office." He offered, hugging me tightly.

"I will baby."

He left shortly after that.

I sat on the couch, seeing Lily still whining in a corner.

"When you are done, you can come talk to me." I offered her.

It took several moments, but she soon walked over, sitting on the coffee table directly in front of me.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, wiping her tears.

"I'm sorry." She started crying again.

"Thank you for your apology, I forgive you." I told her slowly.

When then discussed how we were both feeling.

We were both frustrated and she was quite upset, so I explained to her that there are better ways to vocalize her feelings other than hitting.

"So next time, all you have to say is that you are upset and you want to hug Luke again." I told her slowly.

I watched her nod slowly.

"I won't hit again." She nodded.

"Thank you. Can I have a hug?"

She immediately walked into my arms, letting me hug and give her a few kisses.

We ended up watching a movie, I let her have some popcorn and juice, seeing her getting more and more sleepy.

I soon put her to bed, fighting my own period cramps.

Before I knew it, it was 2am and I was wide awake, holding a heating pad to my lower stomach praying that the medicine would work.

Just as I was about to get up I got a text from Michael

Hey Luke told me you had a rough afternoon with Lily, did everything get better?

One thing about the guys, they always checked in.

Hey! Yes thankfully. We talked it out and calmed the situation, she was asleep maybe an hour later lol.

I ended up running a hot bath to try to get myself some relief, playing calming music as i did.

Just as I got completely relaxed- finally feeling some relief from my cramps, I heard a door slam shut.

I was up in a second,

I threw a towel around myself, running to Lily's room before anywhere else.

She was still sleeping. 

I covered her entire body to where she almost wasn't visible before quietly shutting her door.

I grabbed the first thing I saw that would suffice as a weapon- a curtain rod that we had yet to put up.

I tiptoed downstairs- still in just a towel, seeing the kitchen light on.

Should I call out for Luke?

It had to be Luke, right?

But what if I called out his name and it was a murderer- all I have is a fucking curtain rod.

Before I could even figure my plan out- a body collided with my own, making me immediately scream, dropping the curtain rod, a loud- but thankfully familiar gasp, sounding out.

"Baby it's me."

"Luke, what the fuck- I thought you were a murderer!" I almost yelled, confusion scratched across his face.

"You thought I was a murderer but yet you're naked and had only a curtain rod?"

I managed to laugh, trying to regain a stable heartbeat.

"Never said I was going to be capable of defending myself, but I did hide Lily." I laughed, making him kiss me gently, picking up the curtain rod and laying it on the kitchen counter.

"I finished surgery early and my intern volunteered to stay, so as long as nothing goes wrong I'm here for the rest of the night." He smiled, hugging me.

"Lucky me."

We went upstairs, Luke making sure Lily was still sleeping before I went back into the bathroom.

"So why are you naked at 2am?" He spoke, almost happily.

"I was taking a bath to try and help with my cramps" i hummed as I grabbed my clothes, preparing to change but I felt him hug me from behind, kissing my neck gently.

"Let me help"

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