fourty six

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Over the next few hours I never left Tate.

I got her every single thing she asked for, I thanked her more times than I can imagine and I gave her all the kisses I felt like she needed.

She was currently breast feeding Thomas, a nurse making sure all was well as she did that, and I was feeding her in the process.

"You look gorgeous" I smiled to her as she looked to me, immediately laughing.

"Oh I'm so sure." She spoke, looking back down to Thomas.

I took a few pictures of the moment, becoming emotional yet again.

I had never cried so many times in one day until now.

Soon we got the all good for her to shower, so I helped her, knowing she'd be more comfortable with me than a nurse.

"I have the shakes." She told me quietly as I held her tightly.

"Just the pain medicine- and birth." I told her slowly, knowing her body had been under a huge amount of stress, with no epidural or even morphine.

My superhero.

Suddenly as I helped her wash her hair, I noticed she was crying.


He was being so gentle

Continually thanking me

Washing my hair for me

Literally feeding me

I had a small flashback to Dylan, to him slapping me almost an hour after I gave birth, all because I asked him to go pick me up food.

And that made me cry.

I was beyond thankful for Luke and I didn't even know how to express that.

"What's wrong baby?" Luke asked quickly, holding me out the stream of the water.

I couldn't even answer

"What hurts? Am I hurting you?" He literally stepped into the shower to look at me closer, holding me tightly, but cautiously.

"I just- thank you." I cried to him.

He immediately caught on.

"Baby, don't thank me." He spoke slowly, hugging me- not caring that he was now wet

"And especially don't cry over thanking me." He laughed, kissing me gently.

"I just, I never want you to not be with me." I hiccuped out to him.

He kissed me yet again.

"You never have to worry about that princess."

"Now" he continued after we hugged for a moment.

"Let's get you dry and back in bed."

He helped me every step of the way.

"This is not cute at all." I mumbled as he quite literally fixed a hugely oversized pad for me.

He smiled to me.

"You delivered my child on our living room floor- I had your blood and amniotic fluid all over me." He spoke, kissing my forehead gently

"We are way passed the 'thats gross' phase." He laughed, pecking my lips gently.

He soon helped me back to bed, grabbing Thomas gently before sitting in the small bed with me, us both looking down to him, myself leaning on him.

He was the cutest

The smallest amount of blonde hair, he hadn't opened his eyes yet, but I was sure they were probably blue. Chubby little cheeks, cute little hands and feet.

And before I knew it, I was crying again


"You okay?" I asked her with a smile as I watched her wipe a tear

"I want like ten more." She cried, managing to laugh as she did

I kissed her gently

"Let's just not birth the next ten on the living room floor, during a tropical storm"

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