Chapter- 7

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WARNING - - - I know you all wanted Agasthya's POV so here it is. But you have been warned that I suck at writing the Male protagonist's POV so don't blame me later for not telling you this!!

Agasthya's POV -

Despite all the protests, mom forced me to go for another lunch with them in the middle of the day. Once she starts with her emotional blackmail, there is no going the other way.

" Agasthya what is wrong? It is just lunch." Bhabhi once again came and asked me.

" Bhabhi did I not tell you all yesterday that whoever you choose, I will marry. So why can't you both leave me alone now?" I asked her, relaxing in my seat. I had just finished up a surgery.

" Because to choose, we need options. We have only met Sagarika till now. No one else." She countered.

" Then be their guest and go have lunch. Why am I being dragged there?" I asked her.

" Because if we end up liking her, they need to see the man they will be giving off their daughter too, wouldn't they?" She started talking sense.

" I will come with you today but this is the end of it. You will not ask me to go and meet anyone after this. Deal?" I negotiated with her, standing my ground.

" Deal." She agreed, forwarding her hand but I chose to ignore it.

She muttered something on the lines of hopeless before walking out.

What I failed to understand was why were they so hurrying about the wedding? I don't have much of a personal life and it will not be fair to the woman I would be marrying because most certainly she would have expectations and I was not ready to take responsibility of those expectations just yet. Dad and Kartik bhaiya keep on saying that once I get married, I will find time for my wife but I don't see that happening.

" Dr. Agasthya your next appointment is here." My assistant came over and I asked her to send them in. 

I had operated him for angioplasty last month.

" Hello Dr. Singhania." His son came in with him.

" Mr. Mehta please have a seat." I offered them.

" Thank you doc." He replied as he and his father sat down.

" So Mr. Mehta back to regular normal activities except of the prohibited ones?" I asked him as his son handed me the file.

" Yes doctor." He replied as I gave him a reassuring smile.

" Do you feel some heaviness in your chest after the walks?" I asked the routine questions.

" Sometimes doctor but it goes away once I sit down and breath deep for a while." He replied.

" That is good then. We will still avoid picking up anything heavy and bending down too much and of course avoid oils and unsaturated fats but except for that, we are all good. I am writing a few routine tests for you. Please get them done and mail me the reports and scans. I will get back to you." I instructed his son and recommended  ECG, Chest X-ray and Echocardiogram.

" Thank you so much Doctor." His son said before they walked out and my phone went off. It was mom.

" Yes mom?" I asked , taking it.

" Come on now. Your last appointment just walked out. We have to leave." She said and I scoffed.

" Are you spying on me mother?" I asked her.

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