Chapter- 23

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Sagarika's POV -

By dinner time, everyone was back home and we were sitting in the living room together after everyone had freshened up to relax after a long day. Agasthya had gone back to the hospital for his shift.

" Sagarika, beta for how long are you on leave beta?" Uncle asked me.

" One week uncle." I replied.

" Sgarika....uncle? Really? This is not fair." He complained, making a mock serious face and I couldn't help myself from laughing.

" Sorry Dad." I apologised with a laugh and he joined too.

" Good. Now call me Mom. What is this aunty?" Aunty asked, faking being offended and it was too cute.

" Yes mom!" I gave her what she wanted and she rewarded me with a smile.

" By the way, you both and Agasthya have received an invitation for a Medical conference in Amsterdam where Agasthya will be receiving an award for his research in Heart transplant next week." Kartik bhaiya told mom and dad who looked extremely happy to receive this information.

" RSVP them. We will definitely be there. Last time we couldn't go to Toronto but I'm not missing this for the world now." Mom said and dad agreed.

We sat there for a while more before finally going to eat dinner and then I made my way to the room, Agasthya's room and looked around, arranging my things too and it took a very long time to finally finish what I started.

" What? It is 3 in the night?" I looked at the clock behind the bed and couldn't believe that it took me five hours to sort everything in it's place.

" What are you still doing up Sagarika?" I heard a voice startle me and turned around to find Agasthya who looked like he had just got back.

" I was arranging my things. You come home at three?" I asked, raising a brow as he threw his coat on the couch along with his bag.

" On some days." He replied and I nodded, keeping the last of my clothes in the closet.

" Did you take your medicine?" He asked, going to his side of the closet for his clothes and I closed my eyes, cringing on myself. How could I forget!

" Yes, I did." I replied, turning towards him and he gave me a nod before walking inside the washroom.

" Nice Save Sagarika." I reached to pat myself on the back but suddenly remembered my shoulder and stopped.

" Now take that medicine before he comes back." I muttered to myself, reaching for the packet which was lying near the dresser and picked it.

" Which one was I supposed to have?" The last time, he had given them to me and so I had no idea and neither did he write me a prescription!

I was fumbling through the packet, deciding which one to have when he walked out of the washroom and my immediate response was to hide the packet behind myself.

Real smooth, Sagarika, real smooth.

He looked at me and that is the moment when one of the medicines fell out of the packet and his eyes followed and I sighed.

So much for lying well.

" I should have known." He sighed as well and made his way towards me, picking up the medicine and taking the packet out of my hands.

" I did not know which one to eat." I said, in my defence.

" I did not know you needed a medical degree to pick up your phone and call me to ask." He taunted me, taking the yucky blue tablet out and handing it over to me before pouring water in the glass and extending it.

Mr. And Mrs. Hearts And Guns.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα