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     "GOOD Lord, look how bewitching the castle is!" Amedee said, looking up as we approached the entrance of the castle. It was indeed bewitching. The way it was built and even the towering height of it were something incomparable.

     I did not respond, only continuing to walk towards the castle, yet managing to stay beside her. She was staring at every detail with her mouth wide open.

     We followed the group up the stairs, jogging slightly to catch up with the others. There were at least a hundred steps before we got to where we were heading. I was surprised I was not out of breath yet. It was beginning to become exciting to me, entering the unknown.

     An elderly woman stood at the top of the stairs, her hands intertwined behind her back. She stared down at us with a scowl on her face. It was difficult to determine what she must have looked like as a young woman because the wrinkles and folds in her skin had become so prominent. She had long greyish hair on her head, ending right above her waist. Her clothing was eccentric compared to the bland cloak the two mysterious men were wearing. She was dressed in a white robe, which I believe represents purity, and on top of it was a red cloak, which represents experience and knowledge.

     "Good evening. I assume you arrived safely," the woman said, her eyes darting around the room. "I am the Master Hilarion, and when you walk through these doors, your new life will begin; your heritage, reputation, and failings will remain outside of this door; when you enter the Academy, your former life will no longer matter," she added, giving us an incomprehensible expression.

     I lined up behind the person in front of me, and Amedee somehow managed to stay beside me the entire time.

     Eventually, there was a line of two as the cloaked man opened the doors, revealing a marvellous hall. The ceilings were high above the ground. Arabesques and sculptured figures of dragons, lions, tigers, birds, and flowers decorate the pillars, architraves, ceilings, panels, and practically every available portion of the structure. There was stone almost everywhere I looked, and the interior of the room was filled with three long tables, two of which I think belonged to the students, and the other one was for the lecturers and staff, as I noticed that it was filled with adults.

     "The time has come," Master Hilarion exclaimed as we finally entered the hall. "The universe has given us the signal to let these fresh minds enter our institute."

     Every single pair of eyes in the hall were glued to our group as we stood at the entryway. They were all whispering to one another.

     Master Hilarion continued to speak. "Everyone, please welcome, from the village of Lumeia, Lucy Cline and Hyacinth Miranda, both born on the 10th of September and May—"

     Lucy and Hyacinth stepped forward to show respect to both students and lecturers. And as I observed the students more, the more I learned that they don't look as welcoming as they present themselves to be. In fact, some of them looked like they were about to die of disgust.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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