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THE GWIGU HAD LEAPED behind them, landing infront of a man, posed as a guard. The gatherers gaped, Cho-yeon took a deep breathe at the fact that Seon-u, her fiancee was closest to the scene which made the crowd panic. Sae-ri was on the verge of panicking, yet, she stood calm and collected. As the soul shifter exited the room, shattering the door, the soul shifter ended up getting surrounded by a group of guards once he arrived outside.

Each defender of Songrim was beaten to the ground, Seo Yul dropped to action, slashing the soul shifter with his sword. As Yul attacked the soul shifter, Sae-ri gripped hee hanbok tightly, she remembered randomly hearing Mu-deok, Wook's maid mumble-If i get caught, feign ignorance. I do not wish to become a laughingstock. Or something around the words of that. Sae-ri realized something awfully quickly.

Mu-deok was a soul shifter as well as the figure of the person Yul had beaten, turning into stone. The girl gabe Mu-deok a side glance, to which, Wook noticed. He internally panicked, Mu-deok noticing someone's stare on her yet, mot taking her eyes off of the stone turned man.

"So it really is true, a soul can run wild and transform into stone..." Dang-gu muttered in shock, clutching his clothing. Cho-yeon stood a few steps behind Sae-ri and Dang-gu, right beside Seon-u who's eyebrows raised. As everything ended, though things were tense, all of them collected to another environment. "Seeing all of you five here all together makes me so happy! I hear people call you the five seasons!" Heo Yeom (forgot his name huhu) exclaimed, Cho-yeon smiled gracefully, the other four simply stared at him silently, etching a small smile.

Park Jin was also smiling slightly, "Aish, we used to gather so often, until Cho-yeon and Wook called off their marriage." Dang-gu exclaimed, Sae-ri winced at the sudden comment, kicking his knee-in result, he yelped. Silence was in the air, awkward silence. Heo Yeom hit the boy in anger, Though, Yul saved the moment by mentioning tea. Park Jin nodded gratefully, they walked away, Park Jim quickly punched Dang-gu's chest.

The boy yelped once more, rubbing his chest. Cho-yeon took a deep breath, turning her head off to Wook, "I hear you got kicked out." Cho-yeon said, Wook sighed deeply, "You should really stop keeping track of what i do." he stated, arms crossed. "I..." as she started, Seon-u side glanced at her, eyebrow raised. The spring girl stammered slightly before regaining her voice. "I just happened to hear it. After all, rumors spread awfully quick." Cho-yeon answered quickly, turning her head away swiftly.

"It appears I'm making out guest uncomfortable. I'm gonna go." Wook announced, walking off. "He must be off to find his maid." Sae-ri stated, in a trance, possibly not realize she voiced her thought. "What?" the others say in unison, looking at one another after. "Hm? Oh, yes, nevermind." Sae-ri waved off, lacing her arms with Cho-yeon's chatting away.

"Cho yeon-ah, has my brother been treating you well?" Sae-ri smiled, she liked the idea of her best friend becoming her sister in law. Cho-yeon froze, yet regained her calmness, she smiled for Sae-ri's sake. "Of course, Sae ri-ssi! He has been treating me right." Cho-yeon exclaims happily, leaning her head against the girl's shoulder. Sae-ri's smile widened, "Very good to hear, come, let's get some tea." the two sat down gracefully, politely accepting the tea.

"Say, Sae ri-ssi, how are you and Yul-ah doing?" Cho-yeon questioned, after taking a sip of her tea. Sae-ri pouted slightly, yet smiled quickly, "Very well." Sae-ri knew Yul still admired the girl he met at Danhyanggok. He has never let her go, Yul admitted he would not be able to return her feelings if she ever felt any for him because of that particular reason. "That's good." Cho-yeon replied, Park Jin had called out to Sae-ri and Cho-yeon, both girls strolled with him.

They heard a shatter from a room, they quickly ran towards the sound, Sae-ri gaped at the scene, she quickly looked at her friend: Cho-yeon, whom was hurt and shocked. "Gwigu's pottery..." Cho-yeon mumbled in hurt. "Jang Wook!" Park Jin exclaimed angrily, "Aish, i was just taking a look at the heirloom cause' i was curious. But then it slipped right out of my hands." the Jang boy started, "I mean, what kind of Heirloom is this fragile?" he said teasingly, kicking the glass of the pottery slightly away from him.

"Jang Wook, you menace." Sae-ri exclaimed, poking the glass pieces in shock. "Thank you." he replied, Park Jin's eye twitched, "Jang Wook, let's talk, come on." the man pushed Jang Wook at front. He punched his shoulder, slightly making the Jang boy tumble. Sae-ri sighed, "This little shit, always causing trouble for those around him. Lady Jin won't be happy about this, ruining Gwigu's pot." Sae-ri cursed, Cho-yeon gripped Sae-ri's hanbok tightly.

"Jang Wook!" Park Jin exclaimed once more, the boy bowed at him, to which the man returned. Then, Wook made his escape, the Park man unfortunately slipped after yelling for Wook. Immediately rushing up to catch him.

"Pick them up." Cho-yeon announced, "The what, Cho yeon-ah?" Sae-ri questioned, Cho-yeon turned towards her maids, "The pieces of the pot. I shall fix it." Sae-ri nodded at the order of her friend, she knew the leader of Songrim would not let this pass.

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