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SAE-RI STOOD ALONGSIDE JANG UK, YUL, MU-DEOK, MAIDSERVANT KIM, AND DANGGU THEN CHO YEON. As she looked at Park Jin's face, her face twisted, the leader looked kinda furious. They all bowed, "Did i not forbid him to come here? So why did you even bring him with you?" Park Jin's voice held power and demand.  "There is something you should see." Jang Uk said, something excited him greatly.

Mu-deok gave him his father's sword carefully. "When i was young, you said you would accept me if i unsheathed this." Jang Uk reminded, clutching the sword at the memory of his younger self crying as he walked away from Songrim. "Do you remember?" he asked tauntingly at Park jin, the man clenched his jaw.

Heo Yeom looked awfully excited and proud, "Like father like son. He mastered Ryusu in the blink of an eye." Jin Ho-gyeong commented, impressed actually. Although, Yul seemed to ruin the moment. "Though, he cannot control his energy. His energy is focused on his right hand which is why it is binded down with a binding bracelet." Yul stated, Sae-ri swiftly turned her head towards him, and slapped his arm with power.

Yul winced, and turned to her in confusion, the girl simply looked away ignoring him. Park Jin descended down, "Take the bracelet off." he demanded, Danggu sweat dropped, "But, if we remove the bracelet he will go out of control. He should unbind it after receiving more training." Park Danggu stated.

"Do it." Park Jin said once again. Jang uk took the bracelet off and threw it on the floor.  Power started to swirl around Jang Uk's hand, Sae-ri sweated profusely, she was nervous to see the outcome. Jang Uk held his hand in an attempt to stop it from doing anything to rash for his liking. "Let me see you hold your sword."

Jang Uk's hand threw him back, and made him stab the leader, Sae-ri gasped in shock. Sae-ri managed to grab a hold of his and an seal it with some type of binding thing, not a bracelet, but a strong type of power sealing technique only people of the Kim family can master once you are a divine priestess of some sorts.  A light blue ring formed around jang uk's wrist before sealing, which Uk winced at.

"Are you alright, My lord?" Jang uk asked in fear and nervousness, "What is the point of unsheathing the sword, if you do not know how to control your energy?" Park Jin asked.

Jang Uk felt a crack in his heart, he spent all these years trying to get Park Jin to accept him.

Sae-ri stepped in to defend him, "He may not be able to control it now, but he will learn to if you simply teach him! His power is incredible, and with all due respect, the way you treat Jang Uk is simply cruel!" Sae-ri exclaimed, Park Jin was stunned easily as well as the others.  "He also stopped the crown prince with that hand and that very sword! Despite only just learning Ryusu, he managed to beat him! Jang Uk has a lot of potential, you all just don't see it or help him!" Sae-ri added, simply speaking facts. "Sae-ri, stop interfering." Yul demanded, the girl silenced but wished to speak more.

"Uk, did you really fight the crown prince?" Park Jin asked, "H-He did not start it!" Cho-yeon stated nervously, "Jin Cho-yeon, don't interfere!" her mother demanded, "Yes, mother..." she mumbled. "Cho-yeon is correct, he did not start it." Danggu states. "Did you fight him?" Park Jin asks once more. "I did." Uk confessed. "His royal highness wished to take the Gwanju's sword. It was a bet, My Lord." Maidservant Kim spoke up.

Park Jin had demanded Uk to be locked up. Sae-ri clenched her jaw and fisted her hands. "Songrim and their leader never fails to disappoint me." she said aloud, leaving swiftly. "Sae-ri." Yul called out as he followed her. "What?" she asked. "Why is it you defend Jang Uk so much? To the extent you always get in trouble." Yul asked. "A Part of me still loves Jang Uk you know." she confessed.

"When we first met, he promised to protect me, but little did he know he cannot even simply protect himself." Sae-ri stated in frustration, "I was the one who had to defend him from Park Jin so he would not get in huge trouble for stealing one of his precious vaces. I was the one who defended him so Jin Ho-Gyeong would not punish him for trying to forcefully break Jinyowon's doors. It just troubles me how Park Jin spent years tormenting a young boy who wants nothing but validation." Sae-ri exclaimed.

Yul was stunned, she had loved Uk once, so it was not him who she loved. "Then..who do you truly love? " he croaked out, "The person i love is staying in the past. A past he cannot let go of."

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