Step 5: Put yourself first, past behind

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I am back with another chapter... Enjoy~~~  Comments are welcome. 😇

"San Lang, we don't need the car for tomorrow."

That was the massage Hua Cheng had received last night and now he sat inside, at the reception. He wondered where they might be off to today. Maybe another cafe, or the art exhibit a few blocks away, or the museum. His thoughts dissipated when he saw Xie Lian walk out through the automated glass doors.


He did not care if he sounded like a child. Xie Lian made him happy and being with him for a few hours every four days felt like bursting into a thousand butterflies. If Xie Lian allowed, Hua Cheng would have scheduled a session everyday. But alas, he had classes and Xie Lian was a resident, meaning he was under a training program, similar to having a class but much more difficult.

"Ah San Lang. I am sorry I am a bit late. Got held up by a patient." Xie Lian smiled apologetically. He looked bone tired as well, Hua Cheng noticed.

"So, gege is seeing other patients now?" He asked.

"Well, the ones my attending wants me to take a look at. I talked to a schizophrenic and a psychopath today. Reasoned with the guardians of a patient who realised her sexuality. And almost got hit by a delusional." Xie Lian offered a smile again, but Hua Cheng was displeased -

Who dared to think about hitting Xie Lian!

"San Lang, do not worry. Your sessions will go on as usual." Xie Lian reassured.

"Time spent with you is my happiest." He proudly announced. He felt so much better when Xie Lian smiled shyly.

And Hua Cheng, when thinking straight, was a selfish man - he realised that head on right now. Before, he loved to think that he had Xie Lian's undivided attention, being his first and only patient for the time being. He was still his first but...

He selfishly wanted Xie Lian all to himself.

"But Gege, you should rest, don't you think?" Hua Cheng tilted his head to look at Xie Lian.

"We will rest together. Come, I will take you to a place you have never been before." Xie Lian still managed to beam.

"The places where I have never been go a long way, Gege. I have also never been to a brothel." Hua Cheng teased.

"SAN LANG!!!" Xie Lian exclaimed, slapping his forearm playfully..

Hua Cheng laughed at the flustered face Xie Lian made, colour rising up his cheeks. They started walking down the pavement and took a turn towards the city mall. The road was, as usual, busy with cars and buses. But there were very few pedestrians in the afternoon heat. There, in the mall square on the left lane, Xie Lian stopped and spread out his arms as if showing off. Hua Cheng looked around. His eyes fell on the sign board of the shop right behind Xie Lian and went wide. They were standing in front of a salon.

Not just any salon...

A proper one frequented by models and influential people.

"Gege, I don't need a haircut." Hua Cheng said quickly.

"San Lang, I couldn't help but notice, your nails are still so chipped, and hands are too dry. When you know how good it feels to have conditioned hands, you will do it by yourself." Xie Lian grinned and pulled him in.

The interior was spacious and cool. A low hum of English pop was in the background. There were wall sized mirrors all around and potted plants in between the seats for hair styling. The manager smiled wide and said,

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