Step 12: To Deny is to Confess

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Forgive me, I know almost nothing about ice hockey, but as it gives me the plot, so I just used the situation. I had thought of ending this chapter in a different way. But Xie Lian gets a bit of priority here.

Halfway through it's Lian gege time!

Hua Cheng did not come out unscratched.

Not only did nine of his ribs fracture, but also he had sprained his back, his wrists and pulled the tendons of his thighs. Even his ligament of the calves had a hair width tear line. Xie Lian was shocked, he had not seen anyone run around without complaining with this much injury.

And when Hua Cheng filled out his fitness form, the entire hospital was shocked.

He had Rh null blood, or in common language, golden blood.

"A-Lian! We hit a jackpot!" Shi Qingxuan said merrily, smacking Hua Cheng's shoulder like one does to a ripe watermelon.

"Qingxuan... HE HAS TWO NON-DISPALCED WEDGE, THREE 2 MILLIMETRES OBLIQUE, AND FOUR SEGMENTAL COMPLEX FRACTURED RIBS!" Xie Lian exclaimed, pushing her out of the ward with three sharp but gentle shoves to emphasise. "Prepare his papers, it is already late. He should go home and rest." he said, and pulled the curtain pointedly.

"Make him stay. He should stay, given the injuries. In the meantime, I want to draw his blood and run some experiments. He is an infinite source. I don't have to think about the blood bank going dry." the head phlebotomist, Ling Wen said, standing stubbornly behind Hua Cheng.

Hua Cheng hummed in surprise and sat up straighter on the bed. He had been neatly tucked in by Xie Lian, who could not stop worrying about him.

"I want to run an MRI of his head. This level of internal injury and from the outside he is FINE" The neurosurgeon Shi Wudu declared, standing at the foot of the bed, looking down at him like he was a body to be dissected.

"His bones too. He did not snap in two when he kept concrete up his waist." the junior orthopaedic surgeon Lang Qianqiu piped in from behind Xie Lian.

"He also has heterochromia." Feng Xin frowned. "It is a rare condition. And he refuses to talk to anyone other than Xie Lian." He added a protective edge to his voice.

"And he wears a smug smile on everyone but Xie Lian. Wanna impress him or something?" Mu Qing squinted his eyes at him, arms folded across his chest.

"Gege... I am tired." Hua Cheng fakely whined to Xie Lian.

"Right, I am sorry San Lang. All of you, OUT! You are harassing my patient." Xie Lian turned around and tried ushering his two sceptical friends out first. Hua Cheng stuck his tongue out at them from behind his doctor.

"Rh null blood is special. We need him for research. Only one in six million have this blood." Ling Wen said, in a matter of fact manner as she was also being prodded out.

Others in there agreed.

Xie Lian smiled sweetly and said, "No."

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