Chapter 9 (edited)

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Hi everyone...

I am sorry for the lack of updates. I am having my exams. The other chapters were pre-written so it didn't take much time to update.

I'll try to update alternate days. If it is not possible I'll make sure their are min 2 updates each week.


Rosalie's pov:

I finally have a big family all for myself. It was just me, my father and my brothers. Their was no place for Lexi in this family, I would never let that happen.

With those thoughts I feel asleep.

Alexia's Pov:

(The next day)

After everything that I came to know yesterday, I knew I had to go with them to Italy. This was a lot bigger than it seemed.

This morning I planned to go to my school at 8:00. I had explained my situation to my friends last night. We planned out everything so that I was able to complete all of my work before going to Italy. I also had to check up about the 'Alpha X' launch.

It was decided that my friends were going to come to Italy with me. It was clear that we 5 were stuck with each other. One goes and others follows. My friends were at mansion sorting out everything so I was riding to school by myself.

I knew that I had to go talk with my family that I assumed never exiated. It wasn't something I had ever thought about but I know I'll figure it out. I had to act calmly and rationally. There must not be a repeat of last night.

As soon as I reached my school I straight away went towards Enzo's office. Their is no point in avoiding the situation.

I went in the room without knocking. Some habits never die. Enzo and Francesco were already seated. Alessandro was on a call near the office window.

Francesco greated me with such a wide smile that I almost thought that his lips were about to get torn from the stretching. He does look creepy with that smile but I didn't want to start my first conversation my biological father calling him creepy. That's something I would totally love do but I let him be in his happy go lucky world for time being.

"Good morning Enzo and Mr. Deluca" I greet them after sitting on the vacant chair. I could see the smile dropping from Francesco's face when I called him Mr. Deluca but their was nothing else that I could think of to address him.

Calling him father halfheartedly wasn't something I could do. Not when I already have a father in my life who meant the world to me. I couldn't bring myself to call him father without meaning it. But one thing that I knew was that I could never call him papa.

"Francesco is fine dear. " He says quickly bringing back his cheerful smile.

After a while Alessandro joins us. I greet him aswell and we all get seated.

"I think I should leave giving you guys some privacy to discuss. I would be in vice president's office if you need me. I hope I don't get a call informing me about breaking of things here. I remember the last time I left Lexi alone in my office, she knocked down- " Enzo goes on saying but I interupt him before he could say something that I don't want.

"Would you like me to walk you out towards Vice principal's office?" I ask him indirectly asking him to shut his mouth and leave.

He rolls him eyes at me muttering "rude kid" getting up. He walks out closing the door on his way.

I was getting nervous on how to start the conversation. I am not used to feeling like this. I am always composed and confident. I don't like when think start getting out of my control.

I take a deep breathe calming down my nerves. I got this.

"Before I agree to come live with you I want to clarify somethings." I look at them waiting if they would try to interupt me. They give each other curious glances and asks me to continue.

"Firstly I have a job here as a part time intern." They were about to interupt me but I stopped them with my hands before continuing. "Before you go on saying that I am to young to work, I love my job and I am not planning on leaving it. I need a week to wrap up my work here. After I come at your home I will continue working. I will mostly try to work from home but there are times when I'll have to go without excuse. I work in 'Alpha Automobiles'. I hope you are aware about how strict the employment policy is there knowing you are their major shareholder. That's the only reason I am sharing this with you. This information better not leave this room. " I say leaving no room for argument.

" Okay we agree with it. We'll discuss more about it when you come to Italy. We won't stop you from working but you will have to inform us whenever you are leaving home. Also I expect you to come talk with us if your work load increases or you need any help in work. I am not trying to stop you but I hope you understand that I am just trying to look after you. " Francesco agrees putting forward his view.

"I understand. And I will be living in your home so it is fair enough that I inform you. That was all I wanted to discuss. Is their anything you want to say. " I ask them.

"I was actually planning to spend the day with Rosie. Alessandro has some meetings so he will be leaving tonight for Italy. I will be staying her for 3 days to complete the legalities and complete school transfer process for both of you. I wanted to give Rosie sometime to absorb the situation before we leave." Alessandro informs me about their plan.

"That's great. But I think your secretary will appreciate knowing your schedule more than me." I respond clueless not knowing what he was expecting me to respond to his plan.

He looks at my face for a few seconds flabgasted, finding words to respond. He was not expecting me to respond like this.

"No, I meant we could go for a dinner or breakfast sometime. I would like to get to know you more. I mean I know you will be coming to live with us in a week's time but I thought getting to know us might help you get comfortable. Also Rosie would also feel more comfortable if you are around." He says nervously but yet in exciting tone. This man has too much of energy.

Its quite funny that he thinks Rosie would want me around. Not that I want her around me other than making sure that she is breathing and it treated well.

"I don't think it would be possible. I need time to complete my work if I want to leave within a week's time." I respond neuterally trying to not come off as not interested. But then I see his smile fall a bit. Maybe it did come of as uninterested.

I need to be careful while speaking with him. He looks so hopeful while talking about me or Rosie. He looks like a lost puppy whenever he talks about us. I am not used to think so much before saying something. I usually tend to speak up my mind and all the people around me get used to my blunt ways. Yet I don't want to hurt him by being blunt and come off as disrespectful. Papa taught me better than acting like bitch towards people who didn't do anything wrong.

I look at Alessandro with uncertain eyes not knowing what to say and he understands that I didn't mean to come of that way.

"Dad I think we should give her time to do her work. We can plan a family dinner after she comes to Italy?" Alessandro says but the last part comes of as a question more than statement.

"Sure. I'll be in Italy in a week. Also don't tell anyone about my arrival as of yet. I would like to keep it surprise for my twin. " I said with a half creepy smile.

I would like to see how she would react after seeing me there.

Actual story begins from next chapter

Question of the chapter:
Mountain or Beach

I hope you liked the chapter. Do vote and comment. Appreciation and criticism both are welcomed.

Date: 30 July 2022


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