Chapter 14 (edited)

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Hi everyone...

2nd update for the day.

First flashback chapter is here. There are going to be some more flashback chapters in future. Enjoy


Alexia's pov

I was sitting on the sofa in our living room. Mother and Rosie sat on the opposite sofa. I had worn a black dress of Rosie which she doesn't like much. It was beautiful black dress with long sleeves. On the other hand, they both wore blue dresses to match with each other.

I never had a chance to match with my mother. She always said that I don't deserve her. I need to suffer for looking like him. As I grew I understood that she hated me for the way I looked. I assumed that I was more like my father as I was nothing like my mother and Rosie was her carbon copy.

Growing up my mother hated me. My own twin, Rosie disliked me. They both never left any chance to show their hatred to me. I never had my father around which added added to many of the reasons why my mother hated me. I was desperate for my mother's love. Mother hated me for something I didn't have any control over and my father wasn't even there to protect me. I started hating my father.

At this point I didn't want a father in my life.

Today my mom's new boyfriend was coming for dinner and she wanted us to be perfect family in front of him.

I remember the beating mom gave me last night for saying that I didn't want to meet him. Safe to say that I am in no position to speak after she made me eat red chilli, so that I know never to speak more than required.

After a while bell rang.

Mother gives me a threatening look which said 'speak more than required and I'll kill you.' The look was enough for me to go still.

Rosie was looking nervously towards her mom. Mother bends down to her level and gives her a smile.

"Don't worry honey everything will go perfect. He might come off as intimidating but stay strong like the brave girl you are. He'll love you." She kissed Rosie's head before leaving.

I turn my eyes from them as my eyes starts watering. Is it wrong that I want to be in Rosie's place. That I want her to love me. To accept me as her daughter.

I look towards my mother when she returns in with a guy. His cold look was enough to make me run towards hill but I stay seated. Running could bring me in light and then I would get punished for trying to get attention to myself. It is only Rosie who is supposed to be important in the family and get all the attention.

Mom smiles at him introducing him. Rosie walks towards him and hugs his torso. I saw a vein pop up on his head and the slight irratation was visible on his face. Mom pulls Rosie apart from him and introduces her. He barely acknowledged both of them.

When he looked towards me I stood frozen. I remembered mother's words from last night.

"Don't try to speak with him. He is a lot worse than me. Just hope that he lets you stay in the house at most."

I couldn't help but panic thinking about it. Mother introduced me halfheartedly seeing his confused look. I gave him a nod knowing that he was irritated with the hug. I could see a bit of relief seeing I didn't try to hug him.

He didn't seem like a kid's person or more like a people's person. I felt like he didn't want to be here.

I wonder how mother and him got together.

"I am Richard Romano. Your mother's boyfriend." He says slightly cringing at his own words.

"Come in Ricky. Let's eat. I made pasta for you." She says bringing him to dining table. I quickly set the tabke and she serves him the pasta and salad, which I made.

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