Chapter 22

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Hi everyone..

Next update is here. Sorry for the delay. This is a longer chapter than my usual ones.

Hope you enjoy this..


There was a reason why I agreed to come live with my biological family. This reason was my sole reason to survive. Only we know how many sleepless nights me and my friends have spend for this mission. This mission means everything to us, and we won't stop before succeeding in it.

Enough of happy family drama played, now it's time for some real drama and action.

Alexia's pov:

There was finally a new lead about the attackers after a year of hiding. We weren't able to reach their network nor were we able to track the members no matter what we did. It felt like they had just disappeared. And now finally, after a year, we have something to start from. 

'Serpent' Gang is a well known gang in Italy and they worked under us. 3 weeks ago, they found that there was some weapon delivery happening at an abandoned port in Italy which no one was aware about. We asked them to look more into this and find more about the delivery. They found out it was a weapon delivery of some new gang. The shocking part was that they were the same weapons which were used by the attackers three years ago and the quantity of delivery was huge. 

I couldn't let go of this lead even if it led me to a dead end. This was the only chance of finding the mastermind behind all this. 

If my judgement is correct they are planning to attack the DeLuca family again. This was the reason I agreed to live with them and not by myself. Not that I cared about their lives, but they were our allies and papa trusted them a lot. I would be letting down papa if I let anything happen to them when I could have avoided it. 

I had a plan already. Rodrick Gonzel is the traitor in the Italian Mafia and he was the same one giving information to the attackers. They were attacking their shipments to distract them so that they could let these weapon deliveries happen without them finding out. 

I have my people following Rodrick. I asked Devin to inform Alessandro to give all the wrong information to Rodrick according to my plan. The Italian Mafia knew nothing about this other than the fact that Rodrick is working with some people who are planning to attack them. 

The attackers are getting the internal information from Rodrick but they only get that information which I want them to receive. I have my people who have already infiltrated the gang of attackers. They are not at a high level to receive any internal information but at least we are aware of their movement. I am aware of their target and I asked Devin to inform Deluca's beforehand so that they are prepared for an attack. This time I can't trust anyone but myself and my friends. 

I will inform Al when we get all the information. We can't afford to let any more people know about all this. This needs to be confidential. 

I discussed the meeting with my friends. I messaged Alonzo and finalized to meet at 3pm at their base. It was 2 hours away so we had to leave after lunch. I texted Al that I will be leaving early from school for some office work. It was better to text him than Fran. Fran would probably have given me a 10 pages written presentation of why I should not work at this young age and just study. He can be pretty dramatic and overprotective at times. Al was cool with this because we were both workaholics when it comes to our business. He asked me to be back before dinner and I was quick to agree to it before he had a change of mind. 

We were already 10 mins late for our first class, which is English. We quickly found our way to the class and knocked on the door. 

Let's see what this school brings us. Hopefully a lot of action. Fingers crossed.

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